

Monday, August 27, 2018

Monthly Mash-up for August, 2018 Me: Fruit and Monopoly


Me - My topic for this month is fruit. I love fruit.I love all kinds of fruit except oranges. When I was younger, I used to like oranges but now I don't anymore. I love orange juice though. I am not that big on apples either but they're okay. I like sour apples the best. Sweet apples are okay. I don't like other apples. They taste like nothing. My grandmother always gets that kind. I don't like  to eat whole apples. I only like them when they're sliced. I also don't like pears. They taste like nail polish smells to me.  I love peaches and pineapples. I liked canned peaches better though. I have never had a pineapple that wasn't canned. I have three favorites kinds of fruit. They are strawberries, grapes and watermelon. I love all berries though. I have only tried raspberries once, but I liked them. I also love blueberries and blackberries. I like both green grapes and purple grapes. I also like cantelope and honeydew but only when they are sweet.  If there other melons, I have never had them. I like bananas, and I only had kiwi once but I liked it too.I like most fruits. There's not a lot of fruits that I don't like. I liked fruits much better than vegetables. There's hardly any vegetables I do like.


Mom - My topic for this month is the game Monopoly. There are so many different verisons of the game.  There are different version based on different locations. We used to have an Israeli version when I was younger. Today, one of the more recent versions is GrandCentral Oply. That version is available at the  New York Transit Museum Annex at Grand Central Terminal. We don't own that version, but  some day we hope to get it. There are also sports editions.  We have a Major League Baseball version where you purchase teams instead of streets and you buy bleachers and stadiums instead of houses and hotels. There are versions of Monopoly based on different TV shows and movies. There are junior versions and electronic versions and app versions. There are even versions that allegedly make the game faster. There are so many versions of the game currently available, and they continue to come out with new variations so often that is impossible to keep up with it all. Who would have thought that a board game invented in the early 20th century would still be so popular in today's digitally obssessed world? Monopoly  does remain popular though. It is one of the most popular board games available today as well as one of the most popular board games of all time.

And thats our view.  What's on your mind?

Tune in tomorrow for Tips for Tuesday.

photo credits for fruit photos
photo credit one: wuestenigel Top view of fresh grapes in a bowl on white background via photopin (license)
photo credit: marcoverch Wassermelone in dünne Scheiben geschnitten via photopin (license)

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