

Monday, July 9, 2018

Eight Fun Things to Do at a Minor League Baseball Game

There are so many things to do at a minor league baseball games aside from watching the game.

Me - Here are four fun things to do at  Minor League baseball games

1) Buy food from the concession - Our favorite is ice cream. Every time we go to a game we get ice cream at the 7th inning. There are many other foods available as well. Some of them are the same from stadium to stadium. Some vary.

2) Meet the mascots - All minor league teams have at least one mascot. Some have more. It's fun to meet them and maybe get their autograph especially for a little kid.

3) Visit the store - It's fun seeing what items are available in the team store even if you don't buy any.

4) Walk around - It's fun to just walk around and see what there is to see. Lots of times there are people giving out different things like pens and bags and other things or there are games to play.

Mom - Here are five more fun things to do at Minor League baseball games

5) Get a scorebook or scorecard and keep score - Teams have either a scorebook or scorecard  available. Scorecards are usually free, scorebook may or may not be free. Keeping score is more than knowing who is winning and what the score is. It is a way of keeping track of everything that happens in the game. However, it will tell you right on the card or in the book how to keep score.

6) Read the scorebook or the team yearbook - If you want to learn more about the team and its players you might want to read the articles in the scorebook or if you want to know even more about the team and its players purchase and read the team yearbook if one is available.

7) Play - For little kids there is usually a playground or play area. For older kids, there is often a speed pitch or sometimes even a batting cage where you can test your skill.

8) Participate in a between innings contest  - At some stadiums you just have to sign up at others you have to get picked. If you are interested in doing this your best bet is to get to the stadium early and find out what you have to do to have a chance to participate in between innings contest as soon as you get there.

And that's our view. What other things do you like to do at a Minor League baseball game or any other sporting event?

Tune in tomorrow for Tips for Tuesday.

1 comment:

  1. (Eight Fun Things to Do at a Minor League Baseball Game) We have gone to our local minor league team which is the Clinton Lumber Kings a few times. My four grown children had always enjoyed watching a good baseball game.
