

Friday, June 29, 2018

Funtivity Friday - 4th of July Online Activities

Here are some fun things to do online related to Independence Day: 

1) Read Independence Day poems - Here is a link to one website where you can find some 4th of July poems

2) Look up some interesting 4th of July Trivia - Here's a link to one website where you can find some 4th of July trivia

3) Do 4th of  July puzzles - Here's a link to one website where you can find some 4th of July word games and puzzles

4) Play Independence Day games - Here is a a link to one website where can  you find some 4th of July online games 

What fun online activities can you think of related to the 4th of July?


Tune in Sunday for this week's Sunday Scoop.

photo credit: Romain Pontida Niagara Falls Summer Fireworks via photopin (license)

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