

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Theater Thursday - The Outsider and [Porto]

We were given free tickets to The Outsider for review purposes. Any and all opinions expressed here are own.

What: The Outsider

Where: Papermill Playhouse
              22 Brookside Drive
              Milburn, NJ

Who: Recommended for 16 and up

When: Through February 18, 2018

Mom's view: The Outsider is a delightful comedy. It is about Ned Newley a relative unknown who suddenly becomes Governor of New Jersey.  Ned seems to have no qualifications whatsoever for the job, and he can barely even speak in public. However, appearances might be deceiving and there may be a lot more to Ned than it seems. This political satire is the perfect show for today's world when it seems like anyone can run for any politicial office and win. The acting is terrific especially Lenny Wolpe as the understated Ned Newley and Erin Noel Grennan as the hilarious Louise Peakes, a temp. The writing is sharp. All in all the show is extremely engaging. I would not recommend it for young children due to some of the subject matter, but it is okay for teens especially older teens. The world can use a man like Ned Newley, and if you need a good laugh you can really use this very entertaining show.

We were given tickets to [Porto] for review purposes. Any and all opinions expressed here are our own.

What: [Porto]

Where: McGinn/Cazale Theatre
             2162 Broadway
             New York, NY

Who: Recommended for Ages 16 and up

When: Through February 25, 2018

Mom's view: [Porto] is about a woman named Porto who is a regular in her neighborhood bar. It is about the people she knows there, the bartender, the waiter, and her friend and the man that she meets there. If you are the kind of person who likes to know what a characters is thinking, you will love this show where much of the action takes place in the character of Porto's head. Even when what is going on in her head isn't being acted out on stage, there are constant voiceovers telling you what she is thinking. Since the show is completely from Porto's point of view most of the other characters are not really all that developed especially the character of Hennepin, the man that she meets at the bar. The acting is good and the set is incredible. The show is definitely not for children due to both language and subject matter. If you like a show that delves into a slice of the life of a particular character, you may enjoy this show. Otherwise, this may not be the show for you. 

And that's our view. Tune in tomorrow for Funtivity Friday.

Photo credits: The Outsider top photo by Matthew Murphy all other production photos by Jerry Dalia
                         All [Porto] production photos by Maria Baranova.

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