

Friday, September 1, 2017

Funtivity Friday - Broadway Concert

Here is a fun things to do that combines four things we love music, singing, Broadway and games.

What to Do

1) Put all the letters of the alphabet in a hat or something.

2) Take turns pick letters and write down what letters everyone gets.

3) The person who chose letter A gets to pick a Broadway song that starts with A for everyone to listen to and sing along with.

4) The person who chose letter B gets to do the same thing and so on through the alphabet.

Variations of this game 

1) Since it can take quite a while to go through 26 songs, you can break the game into more than one day and do a certain number of songs per day.

2) Instead of listening to the songs and singing along, you can just sing the songs A Capella.

3) Instead of doing a song that starts with every letter, you can do a song from a show that starts with every letter.

4) Instead of Broadway Concert, you can do Rock Concert, or Country Concert or whatever kind of music you prefer.


Tune in Sunday for this week's Sunday Scoop.

photo credit: Jason L. Parks Music To My Eyes via photopin (license)

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