

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Theater Thursday - At This Peformance

What: At This Performance

Where: The Green Room 42
             570 10th
             New York, NY

Who: Tweens and Up

Me & Mom -We recently attended another At This Performance concert of Broadway Understudies, Alternates and Standbys. As usual the talent was extraordinary. We would be delighted to see any of these performers performing in a show. This time around the performers appearing in the concert were:

Emily Afton - who was the understudy  for Amelie in Amelie

Cameron Amandus - who is the understudy for Spamilton

Taylor Iman Jones - who is the understudy for Rita and Nancy in Groundhog Day

Deonte L. Warren - who is the understudy for the Genie and the Sultan in Aladdin

Quenton Oliver Lee - who is the understudy for The Prince of Broadway

Emily Bautista - who is the understudy for Kim in Miss Saigon

The series which started in 2003 is now approaching its 900th performer. In celebration of that Kevin Spiritas, who appeared in the very first edition of the concerts when he was the understudy for Hugh Jackman in The Boy From Oz, appeared in this most recent edition as well.

There will be another At This Performance concert soon.We hope to bring you information about that in a future post.

If you ever have the opportunity to see one of these concerts, you should. Not only will you get to listen to some great voices, you just may end up being able to say you saw the next big star when they got their start!

And that's our view. Tune in tomorrow for Theater Thursday.

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