

Monday, August 21, 2017

Let's Talk About Clothing Shopping

Me - Clothing Shopping, wow! I like to go clothing shopping at the mall. My favorite store is Forever 21. I also like Charlotte Russe. I like H&M. I like Aeropostale but it is a way too expensive for me.It is not that big either.  I actually like most of the clothing stores at the mall. I also like some of the clothes in the department stores like Nordstroms and Sears. When I was younger the really popular store in the mall was Justice. However, now they like stores like Forever 21, Charlotte Russe and Aeropostale.

I love to buy all kinds of clothes except jeans and tights because I won't wear them. I also don't like shopping for underwear and socks but, of course, I do wear them. I love shopping for any kind of clothes but I especially  love wearing dresses. I am picky about pants.

I  love shopping for accessories too. I love hair accessories like headbands and bows. I love jewelry like earrings, bracelets, necklaces and rings. I'll wear any kind of jewelry except not pins. I am not really a pin person. I also love shoes. What would the world be without shoes? I'll tell you. People would have a lot more foot aches. I absolutely love clothing shopping!*

*The above is a guest post by older sister, Melia.

Mom - I like to go clothing shopping, but I hardly ever do it. When I do, I am usually shopping for my kids. Even though I am an adult, my wardrobe still mostly consists of things that I have been given by other people.  I mean don't get me wrong, I get a lot of nice clothes that way. However, sometimes it is nice to get brand-new things too.  I  do get a lot of brand new shoes, but I hardly ever get brand-new clothes.

I do love looking at clothes in the stores and on-line, however. I am not that particular about it either. I don't prefer a particular clothing line or a particular store or anything. Don't get me wrong, I am picky about what I like, and there are an awful lot of clothes out there that I don't like. However, I am not particular about where it comes from I am not partial to a particular stores or designers or anything. I like some expensive designer stuff that I could never afford as well as mass merchandised clothes. It just depends on the particular item of clothing.

I especially love dresses and things that are purple. Purple is my favorite color, and I can never have too much purple in my wardrobe. I have a lot of purple things. In fact, I have a lot of  clothes altogether. considering that most of my clothes come from other people, you would think that my wardrobe is small. However, that is not the case. I actually have quite a lot of clothes but that is because I usually keep my clothes for a very long time.  Even if money were no object and I could buy clothes all the time, I cannot see myself constantly getting rid of things and getting new things all the time.  Well actually, I can see myself constantly getting new things but not constantly getting rid of things. That seems so wasteful. Usually when I buy an item of clothing, I love it and I want to wear it a lot. I don't get sick of things so easily. Still, it is fun to fantasize about winning the lottery and getting a whole new wardrobe at once. Even then though, I cannot see myself getting rid of everything I own now, but maybe at least some of it.

And that's our view. Where do you like to shop for clothes?

photo credit: FXTC Paris Street 5 via photopin (license)

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