

Monday, April 24, 2017

Monthly Mash-up April, 2017 Animal movies and Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey Circus

Me -My topic for this month is animal movies. I love animal movies. They are usually really good. Some animal movies I've seen recently are Zeus and Roxanne, which was about a dog and a dolphin; Marley and Me, which was about a dog; and Santa Paws 2: The Santa Pups, which was about dogs too. Some of my favorite animals movies are Because of Winn Dixie and Beethoven's 2nd.. Those are both about dogs. I like Beethoven's 2nd better than the first  one because the second one had puppies in it. I don't like the third as much because in the third they had different people. I hate it when they change the people in the movie. If the people in the movie get to old to be in another one, they shouldn't make another one. Other animal movies I like are the Dolphin Tale movies, and I like the first Benji movie. I don't like the other Benji movies though. I had wanted to see the movie, Babe for a long time. but then when I finally saw it I hated it. That was one of the few animal movies I didn't like. It was so sad. The only good thing that came out of that movie was  the line "That'll do pig." However, most animal movies I have seen I liked. Over all, I really love animal movies!

Mom - My topic for this month is Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey Circus. While, the circus might not have been the same as it used to be for a while, it makes me sad to think of it not being there at all anymore. I still remember going to the circus at Madison Square Garden with my grandmother when I was a little kid. That was back in the days when you had to twirl your circus lights yourself. They weren't battery operated, and you couldn't just push a button to make them spin. The circus was still three rings then. There was so much going on at all times, you didn't know where to look. It was before there was so much protesting so there were  still lots of animals in the circus including both lions and tigers, and of course, there were still elephants in the circus then too. Everyone loved the elephants.  They were one of the most popular acts. One of the elephants even painted, and at the preshow they would give away a painting by an elephant. That last part wasn't when I was a kid though. It was when I went to the circus with my kids. I'm glad Ringling Brothers at least lasted long enough for that. It makes me sad though that my girls will never get to go there with their own kids. Another tradition that so many families shared bites the dust.

And that's our view. What's on your mind?

Tune in tomorrow for Tips for Tuesday.

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