

Monday, August 15, 2016

New York Musical Theatre Festival: Tink and Camp Rolling Hills

We had the opportunity to see a couple of the shows in the recently concluded New York Musical Festival. While we were given free tickets to these shows for review purposes. Any and all opinions expressed here are our own.


Me - Tink was good. It was about Tinkerbell before she met Peter Pan. It is also kind of the story of how Captain James went from being just Captain James to being Captain Hook. It was interesting to find that out. The story was fascinating. It was really entertaining. The characters were okay. I didn't really have a favorite although I liked the character of Tinkerbell  a lot. She was a good actress. Tinkerbell  had two little sisters and a little brother. It was funny because her littlest sister whose name was Suzy was always scaring people. I liked the songs in the show. I especially liked the song Tink and Tiger Lily sang. It was called Fool Me Twice. Most of the songs in the show were fun and some of them were pretty.   It was  a good show, and if you ever have the opportunity to see it, you should.


Mom - Camp Rolling Hills is a great show for anyone who has fond memories of  summer camp.The story is sweet about a boy's first experience going to sleepaway camp and first love. The songs are fun and many of them are probably very nostalgic for a lot of people. There are upbeat songs about such camp staples as raids, boyfriends, and writing letters home.These songs really capture the essence of camp. You can almost see them being actual camp songs that would be sung at a real camp. There are also a couple of pretty ballads including All The Songs on My iPod. The characters in the show can be a bit cliche at times but then again camp life can really be like that where everybody quickly gets characterized in particular way. The characters in the show are entertaining though, and  were well acted by the talented cast The cast included several young performers who had previously appeared in the Broadway show, Matilda included Sophia Gennusa one of the 4 original Matildas. All in all, the show was a blast and even if you don't have fond memories of summer camp or even if you've never been to summer camp, you will still enjoy this fun show if you ever have the opportunity to see it.

And that's our view. Tune in tomorrow for Tips for Tuesday.

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