

Monday, December 27, 2021

Winter Break vs Spring Break

Me- I love Spring break not only because it's time off, but because it's warm so I can go outside. I don't really like Winter break. I like that I get to be off. I don't like that it's cold. Most of the time, I just sit inside under a blanket. During, Spring break I don't have that problem, and I can go outside. Also, more places are open so there are more options of what you can do during Spring break then during Winter break. What I do like about Winter break is that during Winter break, it's New Year's so we get to start off new with a New Year. What I don't like about any break is that since it's time off, it's time where we have to get stuff done around the house like cleaning my room. I hate having to do that! The thing I like best about Spring break and Winter break is getting to spend time with my family!

Mom - It's been a long time since I've been in school and had a Spring break or a Winter break, but I do remember the excitement of both. The nice thing about Winter break is that when it's cold out you can stay home in your pajamas all day and not feel guilty about it. During Spring break the weather is usually nicer, and you can go outside more. Winter break always seems longer and usually is. Spring break does by quicker even in the years when both breaks are the same amount of time.  After Winter break, there is still half of the school year left, and it goes by slowly especially when it is a particularly cold winter. After Spring break, the rest of the school year goes by so fast. I love the summer but every time the summer comes and my kids are another school year older, I just keep thinking that my kids are growing up so fast. It makes me kind of sad.

And that's our view.  Do you prefer Winter Break or Spring Break?

Tune in tomorrow for Tips for Tuesday. 

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