

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Monthly Mash-up for October, 2015: Finding a Halloween Costume and Good Ways to Get Rid of Excess Candy

Me - My topic for this month is finding a Halloween costume. Finding a Halloween costume is so stressful. It is hard to find a costume that I like, that fits, that's unique, and that doesn't cost too much. It is much easier when you are little. There are so many more options, and other people your age don't care so much what you are. When I was little, I had some really cute costumes. I remember being Blue from Blues Clues, a chicken, and Tinkerbelle. I was only Tinkerbelle in school though. When I was a little older my costumes included Elphaba from Wicked, Glinda the Good Witch, and  Hannah Montana. More recently I was Phoebe Buffay from Friends and a Greaser. This year I will either be Rachel Berry from Glee or Brittany Spears. It will be my last year trick-treating because next year I am going to be in high school. Then, I will only dress up to go to Halloween parties.

Mom - My topic for this month is good ways to get rid of excess Halloween candy. Kids love going from house to house and trick-or-treating, but who needs all that candy they collect. Of course, you could throw it all out but that would be a waste. After all, somebody bought all that. One way to get rid of excess candy is to start giving out some of the candy your children collected to the trick-or-treaters that come to your house. This is sort of the Halloween version of re-gifting and as long as you are not giving out candy that has already been opened there is nothing wrong with it. However, that is just moving it from your house into somebody else's. Another way to deal with all that Halloween candy is to dole it out very slowly by allowing each child only a couple of pieces a night. However, doing it that way depending how much candy your children collect, it can take quite a long time to get rid of all the candy. Besides, do you really want your kids eating candy every day for that long? The best way we have found to get rid of excess Halloween candy is to sell it. Every year, dentists from around the county sign-up to be a part of the yearly Halloween Candy Buyback. Participants in the program buy back kids Halloween candy and send it out to the troops overseas. So your kid can make a little money and do a good deed at the same time plus you'll get all that candy out of your house. It is a win-win for everyone. For more information about the Halloween Candy Buyback or to find a participating location near you go to

And that's our view. What's on your mind?

Tune in tomorrow for Funtivity Friday

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