

Friday, September 18, 2015

Funtivity Friday - Story Telling

A fun thing to do is to take turns making up stories. Here are some great prompts for making up stories:

1) Pick out a picture from a book or a magazine and make up a story to go with it.

2) Take turns giving each other the first line of a story, and then have each person make up a story to go with the first line they are given.

3) Take turns giving each other the last line of a story,  and then have each person make up a story to go with the last line they are given.

4) Take turns giving each other a list of five words. Each person has to make up a story using the five words they were given.

5) Write down the first five words that come into your mind and make up a story using them.

6) Take turns giving each other a character for a story,  and then each person has to make up a story using the character they were given.

7)Take a line from a song, and make up a story based around it.

8) Take a line from a book, and make up a story based around it.

9) Pick out an object in the room, and make up a story based around it.

10) Arbitrarily make up a story.

Please feel free to comment below with any other ideas for starting a story.


Tune in Sunday for this week's Sunday Scoop.

photo credit: Gluehbirne via photopin (license)