

Saturday, February 7, 2015

New Giveaway - Win a $100.00 Visa eGift Card and a 1 Year Membership to Blue Mountain

Blue Mountain

$100.00 Visa e-Gift Card and 1 Year Membership to Blue Mountain Cards

Hosted by: Says Me Says Mom

Sponsor: Blue Mountain

Prize: $100.00 Visa e-Gift Card
 1 Year Membership to Blue Mountain Cards

Dates: 2/7-2/14

Open to US Residents: 18+

Do you remember what it felt like to send or receive your first love letter? Blue Mountain would like to help you recapture that feeling. Just in time for Valentine's Day, they have created a whole line of really cute free printable Love Letter Stationery. To help make Valentine's Day even sweeter they are giving away $100.00 Visa eGift Card and a 1 Year Membership to Blue Mountain to one lucky winner. With a membership to Blue Mountain you get a whole year of unlimited ecards and printable cards.

Let Blue Mountain make your Valentine's even more special.

Enter to win using the widget below. Good luck!

Says Me Says Mom was not compensated for this giveaway and is not responsible for prize fulfillment. Sponsor is responsible for prize fulfillment.

photo credits
photo credit 1: good for scraping the counter via photopin (license)
photo credit 2: Blank Page via photopin (license)
photo credit 3: photoshop-heart-brushes-21-300x247 via photopin (license)


  1. I would have to say that I received one in kindergarten in the first week. This is the first one that I received.

  2. I received a love letter from my husband while we where first dating many years ago; I was very surprised with this, I did not think he was romantic, very poetic letter.

  3. My husband sent me a special love letter the morning of our wedding. It definitely made me cry and I still have it!

  4. When we were dating my husband wrote me a poem. I later had it written in calligraphy and framed.

  5. My husband wrote me a wonderful Love letter and gave me an engagement ring on February 14 one year. It was such a memorable day that I will never forget!

  6. I received a love letter from my husband during our first Valentine's day together. I still have the card in which he wrote it.

  7. I received a love letter from a guy in college I was dating. It was very romantic!

  8. i received a love letter from my boyfriend when we hit a rough patch about what I meant to him. It was very sweet!

  9. I have not sent a love letter, but received one once decades ago.

  10. When I was in 7th grade, a boy who liked me gave our teacher a note asking me out on a date and asked her to give it to me because he was too shy. Wish I had said yes. He's a self-made millionaire now... (Laura DeLuca)

  11. My husband and I are High school sweethearts and we use to write letters all the time. Its a great feeling to get a love letter. One of the best love letters Ive ever gotten was from my grandpa after I had twins. It was short but meant so much.

  12. I sent my GF a love letter years ago. She loved it!


  13. My boyfriend always gives me love letters(: It is just too cute!

  14. When I left for college, and my boyfriend stayed behind in our home town he sent me the nicest love letter.

  15. Heather Hayes PanjonFebruary 7, 2015 at 5:02 PM

    On My Husband And My First Anniversary I Received A Love Letter From Him. It Was The Sweetest And I Still Have It!

  16. It has been a very long time since I have sent a love letter. One that I can remember was sending one to my boyfriend who was serving overseas.

  17. I have written and continue to write my fiance love letters :) I mail them to him, hide them around the house, and even hide them in his truck! :))

  18. Commented here

  19. I received a love letter from my first girlfriend when I was in 3rd grade.. it was super cute.

  20. My favorite romantic memory is when my hubby wrote me a very wonderful love letter after we were dating a few weeks. He was so sweet and spoke of raising a family and growing old together. It meant so much to me. We will be celebrating 27 years of marriage in April with our 22 year old son and our love is still as strong as ever :)

  21. I follow says_me_says_mom as bbpinktaz :)

  22. When my first boyfriend moved to Las Vegas, we wrote love letters back and forth almost daily. But then they stopped coming and he married someone else and had a child.. When they broke up he had the nerve to invite in there to see him. I went to visit because I had a cousin up there too. LOL

  23. An old boyfriend would write me love letters when he left to temporarily work in Alaska

  24. When I was in college my then long time boyfriend had a poem engraved on a plaque that he wrote for me, it was such a perfect little gift, and the poem made me cry, and the then boyfriend is now my wonderful husband.

  25. I also commented on the "How human are you" post for a extra entry in the form.

  26. On our first year anniversary he got me a gorgeous watch and on the back he had it engraved It said, " It's our time" <3 Paul! I cried!

  27. I sent a special letter / gift to my husband on our aniversary while he was deployed to IRAQ. Rene Chartier (Joan )

  28. After I met my (future) husband he sent me love letters every day from Kuwait. I still have all of them.

  29. When I was in junior high, my boyfriend and I wrote each other love letters and exchanged them at church on Sundays, the only day we saw each other. He's the only boyfriend I've ever had that wrote me any kind of love letter -- that was over 40 years ago!

  30. I received some very sweet cards from my boyfriend in the mail. Though he could have easily given them to me in person, he knew that I would be more surprised to check the mailbox and find one from him. I saved them all.

  31. Commented on non-giveaway post as Janet W.

  32. Randomly, my husband will write me love letters which I was very surprised about because I didn't think many people did that these days. I love it!

  33. When me and my fiancé first starting dating he sent me a love note telling me how much he liked me and what he had planned for our first date (:

  34. When we were away at different college's, my partner and I would take turns sending love letters to each other once a week.

  35. When i was in 6th grade i really liked this boy. He sent me a love not saying that i liked me and asked me out on a date. I was so excited and he took me out roller skating and to a movie.

  36. I sent my now husband a love letter with a heart broken into a bunch of pieces (he gluded it back together!)

  37. I have never had a boyfriend or been on a date but I wrote my mom a "love letter" last year for Mothers day.

  38. I commented on this post:

  39. I remember writing a letter to a guy I liked in high school and sent him a rose, it was a terrible experience because he gave the rose to another girl.

  40. My husband writes me a poem every year of anniversary

  41. I loved the love letter I received from my husband on our wedding day. It was very special to me.

  42. Shortly after we started dating, my husband took me to the beach. It was there that he wrote his first "love letter" in the sand. It read "I Love You". So romantic! My husband also gave me a sweet love letter on our wedding day!


  43. when my wife and I had been dating only a few months she wrote me a beautiful letter. We have been together for 33 years we were kids when we met. She is my soul mate for sure.thankyou, ken

  44. I once received a love letter that started a treasure hunt filled with clues and memories important to us. It was one of the most beautiful letters I ever received! Hand written notes are so lovely and important.

  45. I was 16 when I got my 1stlove letter from myolderst sons dad.

  46. I received a love letter from my first boyfriend when I was 16.
    thank you

  47. I once sent a letter to my hubby in boot camp. Only I forgot his last name on the letter. I had sprayed perfume on it and put it in a pink envelope. There were at least 7 Mike's in his unit. The sergeant made a big deal of it and my poor Mike was embarrassed, and told me the all about it. I felt so stupid. At the time I just thought of him as Mike! But we laugh about today.

  48. From my husband during our first wedding anniversary.

  49. For a short time, my husband and I worked opposite shifts and we only saw each other on our days off. One day, I went to my car after work and inside was a dozen roses and a love letter. I cried and called him right away. He would come leave a letter in my car each day that we didn't get to see each other. I still have them all in a special box.

  50. I once wrote a letter for the first time and sent it to my mother in Honduras. I wrote it because I wanted to express how much I loved her and missed her. I still remember that day I wrote it and how I even cried doing so. <3

  51. IDK? I guess the last one I remember getting was one from my husband, basically it said that he understood what I was going through and he was on my side and he would never leave.

  52. Shannon

  53. My hubby wrote me a cute email once and it told me how much he loved me and appreciated me.

  54. I got one in 6th grade from one of the boys in my class.

  55. I sent my hubby a love letter when we had been dating for a few months...we were IN LOVE. Still are actually :)

  56. My husband constantly writes me love letters, cute little notes and fb posts to remind me how much he loves me. I am blessed!
    Leidy R rafflecopter form

  57. I haven't received a love letter since high school.

  58. I haven't received a love letter since high school.

  59. Ive never received or sent a love letter

  60. I received a beautiful love letter from one of my closest guy friends my freshman year of high school.

  61. My boyfriend wrote me the sweetest love letter saying he wants to be with me forever! :)

  62. My wife wrote little letters before we got married and hid them in books, under rugs, in jars...I am still finding them!

  63. I still have the first love letter than I received from my wife. It was on Valentine's Day and it recounted our first date together.

  64. When my husband & I were dating he left me surprise love letters all the time! Very sweet :)

  65. I wrote and still write love letters to my husband. I never really received any love letters sadly! (lilbittypanda at aol dot com)

  66. I have a large stack of love letters from a beloved boyfriend who is now deceased—I take them out periodically and read them all!

    skkorman AT bellsouth DOT net

  67. I received a love letter from a boyfriend just before I met my now husband.

  68. I loved the first love letter I ever received just because it was so goofily written but beautiful at the same time.


  69. I wrote my fiance love letters all the time when we first met. I would list all the things I loved about him. From his hair, to his feet. I would tell him that I loved we were almost a year apart in age and how both our birthday's are in the summer time. And that everything with us seemed to click so perfectly. He loved getting them. :) I still write him small love letters every so often 8 years later.

  70. my husband wrote me the sweetest love letter on our last anniversary. He takes great pride in making sure I know how loved I am. I get them on special occasions and for no reason too-which makes them even more special

  71. My hubby leaves me love letters sometimes before he goes to work.

  72. My husband makes sure to make sweet little words in all the cards he gives me.

  73. When my hubby and I were first dating, he used to slip love notes in my purse every morning. I would also find them taped to the bathroom mirror. Very sweet! He still surprises me to this day!

  74. My first boyfriend wrote me the sweetest love letters. He's the only one.

  75. I remember the first love letter that I received from my current boyfriend (we've been together for 2 years). It recounted the first time he laid eyes on me and how quickly he fell in love. It was so sweet.


  76. I remember writing my first one when My family and I went to Florida for a few weeks to visit my grandmother. I wrote one to my boyfriend and I think I rewrote it about 20 times!!! Oh first love! I went to the beach and took a picture of a heart and our initials in the sand and included it in the letter.

  77. I remember writing my first one when My family and I went to Florida for a few weeks to visit my grandmother. I wrote one to my boyfriend and I think I rewrote it about 20 times!!! Oh first love! I went to the beach and took a picture of a heart and our initials in the sand and included it in the letter.

  78. I sent a love letter to my husband on our 3rd anniversary. It's fun to read it now to see how things have changed!

  79. The best "love" letter I ever got was from my older sister, she sent it to me my first week of college letting me know how proud she was of me and how she would always always have my back.

  80. I never have actually but I love the idea.

  81. lisa brown commented on post

  82. when i was a teen my best friend left a love letter on my porch. when i opened the door to see who knocked i saw him walking down the road and i was really confused that he was leaving. i never even knew he felt that way about me.

  83. Loved the first love letter I got from my first boyfriend. It was on my birthday!


  84. I leave love notes in my significant others lunch box every morning.

  85. I've never gotten nor given one. :(

  86. i have never sent or received one.

  87. For a while, my soon-to-be-girlfriend left my love notes in my anonymously.

  88. received a love letter from my husband on our third date!

  89. My first love letter was amazing and so very memorable; it was very cleverly written and was a "booklet" of notes that included some of Shakespeare's best love quotes.

  90. Honestly, I've never gotten one and I've never written one. That's actually a bit sad. I did make a Valentine's Day card for my husband one year, but it didn't say much.

  91. I didn't see where to put m comment, so I'm doing so here. :) ---- My comment for "comment on any non-giveaway post" is from this one --- the one about Off-Broadway... I would have loved to see STOMP, there are so many wonderful shows Off Broadway, I have to say my all time favorite is "Annie Warbucks" at the Variety Arts. It was AMAING!

  92. My now husband, but when we were dating we worked for a camp. During the week we couldn't really communicate face to fce because they didn't want us to be distracted. So we got a journal and would pass it back and forth all day long, and we'd read love letters at night.
