

Friday, October 3, 2014

Funny Friday - No Ketchup Please

Me -

My sister had to be just like me and do everything I did. For instance, she would have to have ketchup, even though she didn't like ketchup because I liked it, and I asked for it. When I asked for ketchup on my food, she would ask for ketchup on her food too, but then she wouldn't eat her food because she doesn't like ketchup.

Mom -

One day Aurella didn't want to finish her burger so her brother, Jack was going to finish it. Jack went to put ketchup on it. "Don't put ketchup, on it, Jack." she told him. "I don't like ketchup."

We welcome you to share your funny stories with us. Tune in tomorrow for a Saturday Special.

photo credit: roeyahram via photopin cc

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