

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Blue Man Group

Me - Blue Man Group, wow! BlueMan Group was awesome! It is hard to describe. There are three men whose skin is completely blue. They do different things. For example, they play drums. They play with giant phones that are taller than them. The giant phones are called Gi Pads. They paint things. They play with gumballs. Those are just a few examples of the things they do. The things they do they do uniquely and in a fun  way. A few times throughout the show, they even pick out people from the audience to participate. The show was so good that  I didn't really have a favorite part.  I liked it all. It was not like any show I have ever seen before, and I mean that in a good way. The Blue Men are like aliens because they are blue, but they act like little kids because they are really curious. Of course, if real little kids acted liked them they'd either get hurt or get in trouble or both. Still, it is fun to watch Blue Man Group do those things anyway. The show goes by really quick because it was good. It was so much fun to watch.

Mom- I didn't know what to expect before I went to see Blue Man Group. I figured how much fun could it be to sit around and watched blue-skinned men for an hour or two. However, I was pleasantly surprised. It was a very entertaining show. The Blue Men remind me of aliens from another planet and not only because of their blue skin.  The world and everything in it is a wonder to them. It is like they are discovering everything for the first time, and they take us along on their journey of discovery.We are happy to go because it's a very entertaining trip.The Blue Man are also like great big kids. They don't hold back. They do whatever they want to do. They are curious and have no fear. They don't think before the act they just do. They look at things and react to them and use objects in ways we never thought of before. The performance is so good that you forget there are really real men behind those blue faces. They stay completely in character not only for the whole show but also when they are standing in the lobby having pictures taken with audience members after the show. The fact that are so believable only adds to the enjoyment of the show. I could talk more about the show and get into more specific details, but if you ever have the opportunity it would be much more fun to see it for yourself and be surprised.
And that's our view. When is time that you saw a show or something that turned out to be a lot more fun than you thought it would?

Tune in tomorrow for Funny Friday.