

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Sleepover at the Riversharks

Me -Sleepover at the Riversharks, wow! I slept over at the Rivershark's baseball stadium, Campbell Field. It was better than I imagined it would be. My Mom and Dad and sister came too. I didn't really like sleeping in a tent because it is too low to the ground, and I get a headache. We got free dinner, free snack, and free breakfast. All of us thought there would only be our family and a couple of Scout troops there, but there were so many people there. It was like a tent city and from the stands it looked like a dome village. We got to watch a free movie, The Lorax. Luckily, it wasn't anything scary or Aurella would have been up all night, and that's hard to deal with when you're all in a small tent together. It was also lucky we had already seen it because there was so much going on, it was hard to pay attention. In the morning, they had a baseball clinic, but we didn't go to it. Instead we went to the Battleship New Jersey. I had a lot of fun, and I hope to go back next year and/or sleepover at another stadium.

Mom - Last summer our family got to do many things we have never done before. One of those things was sleeping over at a baseball stadium. We got to spent a night at Campbell's Field, home of the Atlantic League Camden Riversharks. Before, we went, I assumed there would just be our family and a few Boy Scout troops. However, I was wrong. There were a few Boy Scout troops. However, there were also a lot of families. There was quite a lot of people there, way more than I expected. Every group brought their own tents except a few groups just slept out on the ground. Some of the tents were really huge; some were so tiny I don't know how anybody could fit in them except maybe a little kid. All the tents were set up on the outfield grass. We could go into the stands to go to the bathroom, but we were not allowed on the infield. Included with our overnight was a ticket to that night's baseball game, postgame fireworks, a snack and a movie on the field, breakfast, and a baseball clinic. The movie was The Lorax. I am glad we had already seen it because when it went on we were still putting up our tent, and there were so many things going on that it was too distracting to pay attention to it. They played the movie on the scoreboard video screen. The baseball clinic was the next morning after breakfast. We did not stay for that. My husband and kids go camping every year, but for me it was my first time. I still don't plan to go camping with them all the time now because I enjoy my occasional weekends alone. However, if camping means that we can go on more vacations because it will cost us less than I am all for it. I would definitely sleepover at another stadium too because it was a lot of fun.

And that's our view. Where do you think would be an interesting place for a sleepover?

Tune in tomorrow for Funny Friday.