

Monday, September 5, 2011


Me -Reading, wow! I like to read. Actually, I love to read! I try to read a book a day. I finished the first Mary Poppins book. I am very close to the end of the second. I read the first Nancy Drew book. I haven't read the second yet. I will now talk about some of my favorite authors and books. I like Judy Blume. Here are some books I have read by her: Freckle Juice, The One in the Middle is the Green  Kangaroo, Are You There God It's Me Margaret. I really enjoyed the Fudge books. I also like Beverly Cleary. I have read and loved all the Ramona books. I also read the Henry books. I am in the middle of Ribsy right now.  I also like Carolyn Haywood. I read all her Betsy books. Another author I like is Megan McDonald who wrote Judy Moody. My favorite was Judy Moody The Doctor Is In where she had a doll named Hedda Get Betta. I have a lot of Bobbsey Twin books, but I haven't read any yet. I have started the first one many many times but have not finished it yet. I read all Clarice Bean books. I really liked that too. I also love Roald Dahl. Books I read of his include two Charlie and the Chocolate Factory books, Mathilda, and The Fantastic Mr. Fox. I also like Louis Sachar. I read and liked There's a Boy In the Girl's Bathroom. I did not like Holes. I also really enjoy books about the characters in Full House. There are DJ books, Stephanie books, and Michelle books. I also like the Mary Kate and Ashley books. There are three different Mary Kate and Ashley series. In second grade, every week I went to the library and got a Mary Kate and Ashley book. In third grade, I often got Michelle books and once I got a Stephanie books. I read the The Diary of Wimpy Kid series,  all the Rainbow Fairy books, and all the Pippi Longstocking books. I am working on helping my sister learn to read. She has to learn not to guess so much but to read the words on the page. My whole family loves reading except my brother so my Grandma use to promise him a new book every time he read a book. At first I didn't understand that because if he didn't like reading why would he want to earn a book. My Mom explained it was because he just like getting things. My Grandma hasn't offered that deal to the rest of us because we love to read. So over all, what I am trying to say is I really love reading, and I hope I never stop!

Mom - Reading, I am happy to say, is something that everyone in my house enjoys. When Melia was little she used to memorize her favorite books. She had them so well memorized that she would sit there and recite them and people would think she was reading. My younger daughter is just learning to read now. I love that books I loved as a kid I can still share with my children. We have all loved Clifford, Amelia Bedelia and Frances the Badger among others. My younger daughter loves newer characters like Dora, Fancy Nancy, and Marley, the dog too. My older daughter has enjoyed Carolyn Haywood's books and Beverly Cleary's Ramona books among others as I did. She also has enjoyed newer characters like Megan McDonald's Judy Moody and Lauren Child's Clarice Bean books. I am sure she told you more about her reading preferences in her own blog post. As for me, I like mysteries, chick lit, classics, biographies, nonfiction and many other genres. I do not like every kind of book, I am not crazy about westerns or most science fiction (although I did enjoy the Harry Potter books), but I do like many different types of books. I try to read at least a book a week, but lately I have been reading two books most weeks, and sometimes I read even more. Some of my favorite authors are Jodi Picoult, Eileen Goudge, Joy Fieldiing. and Lisa Scottoline, but I am discovering more and more books and authors that I like all the time. That is the great thing about books, there are always more of them to discover. My one regret is that  I even if I did nothing but read for the rest of my life, I still could never possibly read all the books I would like to read in my lifetime.

And that's our view. Tune in again for another topic.


  1. sounds like some great reading will be happening I am your new follower if you find time come see me at

  2. thanks for dropping by :)
    am following ur blog on GFC now. such a sweet idea for u and ur daughter to write a blog together...

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka
