

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Saturday Special - Noisy Bandz 

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Friday, March 29, 2013

Funny Friday - Peekaboo

Me -

When I was little, and I used to play peekaboo, I would put my hands over my face and say "Where'd me Go?"

Mom -

When Aurella was little  and she played peekabo, she would say "Where is me?" or "Where is I go?"

We welcome you to share your funny stories with us. Tune in Monday for another Talking Topic. 

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen

Me - Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen, wow! I love Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen. I want every single Mary Kate and Ashley thing in the whole entire universe. I have already read a lot of their books. Mostly, I have read their mystery books and a few others, such as, some Full House books and some Two of a Kind books. I have also seen and own a lot of their movies and other videos both from when they were little and when they were older. Some of the movies I have are It Takes Two, The Challenge, New York Minute, Our Lips Are Sealed, Our Very First Video, and When in Rome. I also have a bunch of their CDs like Brother for Sale, I Am The Cute One, and Greatest Hits 1, 2 and 3, I like them both but I like Ashley a teeny bit better. I started liking them from watching Full House. They were so cute then. I own every season of Full House. In case, you are a regular reader and were worried, Full House is my favorite show again.

Mom- Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen were not very cute when they were first on Full House. By the second season of the show, they were adorable though. They were very cute throughout the rest of the run of the show. When the show ended and they first started doing movies and stuff together, they were still very cute. As they got older, they kind of lost of their appeal at least as far as I am concerned. They were not really that pretty, and they seemed kind of strange. I have seen a lot of their movies even the ones from when they were older because Melia likes them. The movies are okay, but nothing great. I also saw Mary Kate in Beastly, a movie she appeared in without Ashley. She was good in it, but she played a strange character. Their sister, Elizabeth is now an actress too. When I first saw her she looked a lot like them but prettier. When I saw her in a movie, she looked even more like them and did not look prettier. It may have been because of the part she was playing though. She was a better actress than either of her sister's too. Of course, in the movies I have seen Mary Kate and Ashley in neither of them every had much of a substantial role. However, I don't really see either of them as a very serious actress anyway. Besides, Ashley doesn't even act anymore, and it is not great loss to the acting world.

And that's our view. What stars do you think were cute when they were children but not as much when they were older?

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Where-To-Go Wednesday

Where-To-Go Wednesday is closed this week.

Tips for Tuesday - Misc.: Trident Pink Bubblegum and Curly Wurly Bars

Me - Today I am recommending Trident pink bubble gum. It is the best kind of gum in the world. It has to be pink the other flavors aren't as good. I can't live without it. The flavor is really good. It is accepted by the American Dental Association and, it even protects and cleans teeth. At least that's what it says on the package.

Mom  - Today I am recommending Curly War bars. If you like chocolate and caramel, this is the bar for you. It a long bar of braided chocolate filled with caramel. It is similar to the old Marathon Bar of the 70s and early 80s. The other great thing about Curly Wurly bars is that they are only 115 calories. Unfortunately, these bars are not widely available in the United States they can, however be purchased from or from

And that's our view.

Monday, March 25, 2013


Me - Transportation, wow! I don't have a driver's license. I do not look forward to getting it. My Mom never really liked to drive either. My Dad doesn't like to drive either, but he dislikes it less than my Mom so he usually drives when we are all together. In first grade and a little bit of second grade, I took the bus to school. Since then, I have walked to school. Next year, I will start taking the bus again. I have been on the train to New York a couple times. It wasn't bad. I once went on a plane to Texas with my Dad. My ears popped when we landed. It hurt a lot. Other than that, I liked flying on a plane. My sister, Aurella, has never flown, but she is afraid to fly. My Mom and Dad and I all tell her it is not that bad but she doesn't believe it. Some day, I would like to fly on a private jet.

Mom - Now, that both my girls walk to school, I don't have to drive that much. I am glad because I hate driving. Next year, my older daughter will go on a school bus. When I was young, we walked to school sometimes when I was in kindergarten through 4th grade. From sixth grade on, I was always bused to school. I have also often taken buses to New York. I have also often taken trains to New York. My college roommate and I once took the train to Boston and once took the train to Pittsburgh. I don't really like going on long train rides though. It is too boring. I went on my first airplane ride when I was a tiny baby. When I was little up until the time I got married, I used to fly a lot. I liked it when I was little, it was an adventure. When I got older and knew more about it, I didn't like it as much. In today's world, flying is a big hassle, and I am glad I don't have to do it that much. The last time, I went on a plane, Aurella was a baby, and she is now 7. She has never been on a plane, and Melia has only flown once. In some ways their are lives are very similiar to the life I led when I was young, and in other ways their lives are so different.

And that's our view. What is your favorite way to travel?

Tune in tomorrow for Tips for Tuesday.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Funny Friday - Little Minds Work in Mysterious Ways

Me -

When I was little I always used to say thank elmo instead of  thank you.

Mom -

When Aurellla was little she named her piggy bank "special".

 We welcome you to share your funny stories with us. Tune in Monday for another Talking Topic.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Thing We Would Like to Do Some Day

Me - Things we want to do, wow! I would like to go to every state in the country especially California. I have never been to California, and I have a cousin I have never met there. Right now, I have been to seven states. I have been to New Jersey, New York, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Texas.  I would like to go to Disneyworld and Disneyland. I would like to go to  England and Canada. I would like to go to a New Jersey Devils game. Our family loves the New Jersey Devils, but we haven't been to see them play since I was really little and, I don't really remember. We do go to Minor League hockey game sometimes though. That is fun too. I would like to be an actress. I would like to have 100 friends. I would like to win the lottery some day. Of course, that is not likely to happen so maybe, I'll maybe I'll marry a rich man instead.

Mom - I would like to be to every Major League baseball stadium in the country and as a many of the Minor League ones as I can get to. I have already been to about 30 Major League Stadiums, but a about a third of the stadiums I have been to don't exist anymore. I went to most of those stadiums when I was younger. Since I have been older I haven't had as much time and money to travel as much. I have also been to a bunch of minor league stadiums and some independent league ones, but only in the New York and New Jersey area. I would also like to go to every state in the country at least once just to be able to say that I have been there. I have currently been to about half give or take a few. I would like to write a story or maybe more with my daughter. I would like to read all the books in my closet and on my kindle. I keep on getting more though so it is hard to keep up. I would like to get to all the things I need to do that I haven't been able to get to done. I would just once like to be able to say I don't have anything I need to do right now because I've done everything. Of course, that last thing will never happen.

And that's our view. What is on your bucket list?

Tune in tomorrow for Funny Friday.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Where-To-Go Wednesday - Toys R Us at Times Square

What: Toys R Us Times Square

Where: 1514 Broadway at 44th Street
             New York, New York

Who: Everyone

Our view: Whether you are a kid or just a kid at heart, this is the place for you. It is so much more than just a giant toy store. It also has many unique displays and attractions. There is a life sized T-Rex, a giant Barbie house and giant Lego sculptures including replicas of famous New York attractions among other things. There is a giant Ferris Wheel you can ride on. There is a Candy Land area an ice cream shop and a Wonka candy shop all of which offer various kinds of tasty treats. There is a  Babies R Us within the store including every kind of gear you could possibly want for your baby. There is an area where kids can have their picture taken with Geoffrey the Giraffe and an area where they can get Geoffrey souvenirs. There are also many other shops and attractions. You can even go on a guided tour of the store.You can easily spend hours here and  find something for kids and adults of every age and every interest. The store also offers special services, such as, personal shopping, corporate sales, gift wrapping and shipping. Costumed favorites, such as Geoffrey the Giraffe, Barney and Spiderman often make appearances as do teen stars, such as Miranda Cosgrove or Vanessa Hudgens or the casts of Broadway shows. Special events are often held and new products are often debuted at the store.  With multiple floors and at 110,000 total square feet, this store is the most fun you could possibly have in a toy store even without actually buying anything. For more information go to Toys R Us Times Square.

And that's our view. Tune in tomorrow for another Talking Topic.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Tips for Tuesday - TV Shows: Says Yes to the Dress

Me - Today I am recommending Say Yes To the Dress. I like to look at the dresses and say what I think of them. I watch it with my Mom and we discuss what we like and don't like about the dresses. It's fun to see what other people are going to wear to there weddings.

Mom - Today I am also recommending Say Yes To the Dress. If you like looking at wedding dresses this is the show for you. Even if, hopefully, in your life you only get to wear one wedding dress, this show gives you the opportunity to see so many more. You'll want to watch this show with a girlfriend or a preteen or older daughter. After all, what good is watching a show that is all about fashion and style if you don't have anyone to give your opinion about it to.

And that's our view. Tune in tomorrow for Where-To-Go Wednesday.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Birthday Parties We Have Had or Been To

Me - Birthday parties, wow! I had a party where we made cupcakes. I once had an arts and crafts party when I turned 7. I had a couple of Karaoke parties. I didn't really like those that much, but everyone else seemed to.  I had a couple of parties when I was young where we brought in entertainment. The first time we brought in an entertainer called Mr. Scott. The second time we brought in an entertainer called Miss. Dylan. Aurella also had Miss. Dylan at two of her parties. This past year, Aurella had a Bounce U party. It was a lot of fun. Before, when a lot of Girls in my Girl Scout troop kept having parties there, I didn't like it. Now I do though. Aurella has also had a Build-a-Bear party, and once she had a Dora craft party when she used to love Dora the Explorer. We have both had cooking parties where we made pizza and cupcakes. I once went to a Halloween themed birthday party. That was fun. We all wore costumes.  I once went to a Hawaian themed party. That was fun too. I went to a few karate parties. I went to parties where we painted ceramics.  All of those were fun also. I have been to lots of gym parties and even had a few myself. When I was really little I even went to a princess and pirate party. All in all, I have rarely ever gone to a party I didn't like.

Mom - When I was young I had a pizza party. That was when going to someone's house and eating pizza could be a whole party not like now when eating pizza is just part of the party. I had a swimming party. It was indoors because my birthday was in the winter. I had a couple of sleepover parties. I had a movie party. We went to see a movie called Jonathan Livington Seagull. I went to a lot of roller skating parties but I never had one. Melia has had home parties where we brought in singers to sing with and entertain the kids. She has had home parties that were karaoke parties. She has had cooking parties. She has had gym parties.She has also had an art party. Aurella has also had home parties where we brought in singers to entertain, gym parties, cooking parties, and art parties. She has also had a Build-A-Bear party. When Melia was little we once went to a party at an amusement park. My stepson once had a Mad Science party. A couple times he had bowling parties and once he had a roller skating party. Once he even had a minor league hockey party at the ECHL Trenton Titans. At that party, he got to meet and get autographs of several players. However, there was no birthday cake. Over the years, we have been to some birthday parties that were pretty extravagant. We always had birthday parties that were pretty simple. Now, it seems like a lot of people are going back to simpler birthday parties. I don't think anybody can really afford those really extravagant parties anymore. Besides, who really needs them when simpler can be just as nice and just as fun.

And that's our view. What is the most memorable birthday party you ever went to or had?

Tune in tomorrow for Tips for Tuesday.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Funny Friday - What's the name?

Me -

When I was little my friend used to think my mother's name was Peaches because on the show Jojo's Circus her mother's name was Peaches.

Mom -

When Aurella was little, we went to the library. Aurella went up to the women working at the desk checking out books and said "Hi. I'm Aurella. This is my sister, Melia and that's my mommy, Mommy, and my daddy, Daddy at work.

We welcome you to share your funny stories with us. Tune in Monday for another Talking Topic.

Thursday, March 14, 2013


Me - Commercials, wow! Some commercials I love. Some I hate. I love commercials that are for toys or have cute babies in them. Often commercials help me decide what I want for my birthday and the holidays. My sister wants everything she sees in every commercial. My Mom always says "Just tell me what you don't want, it's easier." I love the Capital One commercial where he says "Every little baby wants 50% more cash" but the baby always finds a way to say no. I also liked a commercial they had for some kind of Pepsi. In it, they had this baby who was doing all these cool tricks, but all the parents were paying attention to was the Pepsi. I only saw that commercial once or twice, but I really like it. A lot of commercials are boring and stupid. I hate those.

Mom - In general, I hate commercials. The fact that I almost always watch TV on my DVR and fast forward through the commercials is one of the best things about it. However, there are some commercials that I like. I like funny commercials. The old Staples commercial for the beginning of the school year where the father is dancing around and the kids are trudging dejectedly behind the cart as The Most Wonderful Time of the Year plays in the background comes immediately to mind. That is my favorite commercial of all time. I like commercials with catchy tunes. I love the old Oscar Mayer Weiner song. Pepsi and McDonalds have also had numerous catchy jingles over the years. There have been numerous other catchy commercial songs over the years as well. I also like a commercials with cute little kids. Currently, there are the Capital One commercials with Jimmy Fallon and the baby that always says no. Years ago, there was this commercial for Wonderbread with these two really cute little girls. That was one of my favorite commercials as well. I hate commercials that don't make any sense. Perfume commercials are notorious for this. I hate commercials where you have no idea what they are trying to sell you. Over all, the thing I hate most about commercials is the way the volume on commercials is so much louder than the volume of the show you are watching. Allegedly, the FCC passed some kind of rule that says that advertisers are no longer supposed to have the volume of the commercials so much louder than the volume of the shows. However, so far, I don't see (or rather hear) any difference.

And that's our view. What is your favorite commercial?

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Where-To-Go Wednesday- State Theater

Where: State Theater

What: 15 Livingston Avenue
             New Brunswick, NJ  and other locations

Who: Everyone

Our view: Even if you can't afford tickets to a Broadway show or you are nowhere near Broadway you can still give your family a theatrical experience. There are many local professional theaters. One that our family goes to is the State Theater in New Brunswick, NJ. These theaters have many diffent types of events ranging from concerts, to kids shows to travelling companies of shows that are or were formerly on Broadway. Just remember not all shows presented in these venues are for children. It varies depending on the show and age and interests of the child. However, when you find the right show for your and your family's needs, you can often see entertainment that just as professional and just as entertaining as Broadway for less than the cost of a Broadway show. There is often more of a range of prices as well. Also, sometimes the theaters are smaller and more intimate than a Broadway theater. Prices vary not only from theater to theater but also from show to show so check out your nearest professional theater and see what they have to offer. Broadway is great and you should definitely see at least one Broadway show in your life if you have the opportunity, but Broadway is not the only place to enjoy the theater.

And that's our view. Tune in tomorrow for another Talking Topic.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Tips for Tuesday - Apps and Web-Sites: coolmathgames and Charity Voice

Me - Today I am recommending There's a bunch of different games with different themes like math, strategy, skills. Some of the games help you learn math. Other games are just games. It's a really fun web site.

Mom - Today I am recommending Charity Voice. Every time, you participate in a charity voice survey, you receive reward dollars and Charity Voice's approved Charities received reward dollars as well. Approved charities include Feed the Children, ASPCA, Habitat for Humanity and Special Olympics. They are always looking for additional charities to participate in the program as well. When your account reaches $25.00, you can request to have a check send to you or you can have the money deposited into your Paypal account. If you want you can have your earnings donated to the participating charity of your choice instead. For more information or to sign up go to

And that's our view. Tune in tomorrow for Where-To-Go Wednesday.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Food and Restaurants

Me - Food and restaurants, wow! I like food and restaurants, but then again, doesn't everybody? Without food, you would die. I like Friendlys, Fridays, Cheeburger Cheeburger, Chilis, Boston Market, IHOP, and Moms (which is a local restaurant)  I also like Longhorn Steakhouse. I don't like Chipotle because it is not filling enough. I like Mexican food. I like tacos, burritos and quesadillas, but actually those are the only kinds I have ever tried. I like Italian food. I like pizza, and pasta and spaghetti, but I don't like a lot of sauce, and I don't like it on spaghetti at all. Also, my sister likes pretty much every kind of pizza, but I am picky about what kind of pizza I like. My favorite pizza is Pizza Hut Stuffed Crust and Costco pizza. I like Chinese food, but I  only like spare ribs, white rice and some of the things that are on the poo poo platter. I don't like seafood except tuna fish and lox. I don't like Japanese food. I love cheeseburgers. I am picky about hotdogs. I don't like them plain. I like corn dogs, or cheese dogs, or hotdogs that are part of recipe or something. I love going to restaurants. I wish I could go to one for every meal every day.

Mom -I like lots of different kinds of  restaurants. I like Italian restaurants, but not Olive Garden. I like to eat things there that are saucy and cheesy but don't have vegetables. I like Mexican restaurants. Again, I like foods that are really cheesy. I like Chinese food. I mostly like won ton soup, spare ribs, fried rice, and egg rolls there. I don't like Japanese food. I don't like Sea Food. I like Deli, mostly soup, hotdogs and some kinds of cold cuts. I like all kinds of food, but not every food at diners and chain restaurants like Fridays, Friendlys, and Ruby Tuesdays. I hate going into restaurants that have calorie counts on the menu. I understand why they do it. However, I am a picky eater and have a tendency to like foods that are higher in calories. When I see those calorie counts on the menu, it makes me feel guilty and paralyzes me, and I have trouble deciding what to order. I mean I wouldn't call myself obese or anything, but I am not as skinny as I was when I was younger and before I had kids. Sometimes, I miss being young and having a relatively flat stomach. When I was in 8th grade, I was a little on the chunky side. Over the summer, I went to camp and hardly ate and became skinny, but not too skinny. After that, I was always skinny (but never anorexically skinny). Even when I went to college, I still was never fat. I weighed about the same when I graduated college as when I graduated high school. After I had my daughters I had that extra weight that I just couldn't get rid of and now my weight goes up and down (although not in an extreme way and lately it seems like it goes more up than down), but I can never get back to where I was or even close to it. I mean I try diet and exercise, but I am a really bad eater, and sometimes, it is really hard to keep up an exercise routine. Even, when I do keep exercising fairly regularly, I still can't get even close to where I was.  I miss being skinny and having a flat stomach. I was that way for over 20 years and it has now been about 10 years that I haven't been that way, and I still can't get used to it.

And that's our view.  What is your favorite kind of food?

Tune in tomorrow for Tips for Tuesday.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Funny Friday - Eating Routines

Me- When my brother was little, he once told our grandfather that he eats cornbread and barbeque every day.

Mom - When Aurella was a baby, one day she insisted upon holding two cups, one of milk and one of juice. She drank a sip from one and a sip from the other alternately until she had finished them both.

We welcome you to share your funny stories with us.

Tune in Monday for another Talking Topic.

Thursday, March 7, 2013


Me - I hate bugs. I only like a few of them. I like butterflies because they are pretty and colorful. I like ladybugs because they are pretty. Also, red is one of my favorite colors. I even have a ladybug game. I like caterpillars because they turn into butterflies. We had caterpillars in our classroom in Kindergarten. When they turned into butterflies we let them go. Some didn't want to go. We missed the butterflies when we let them go. I like fireflies. It is pretty the way they light up. I haven't really seen them in real life just in books and movies. My Mom says she saw a lot of fireflies when she was young. They would try to catch them and put them in jars. I would like to do that. I do not like most other bugs. I especially do not like bees, spiders, and every other bug except for the ones I said I like. They are creepy and scary!*

*The above is a guest post by little sister, Aurella as dictated to Mom.

Mom - I hate most bugs. I especially hate bees and wasps because they sting. I hate flies and ants because they are annoying. I  hate spiders because they are creepy. Our cat is fascinated by bugs. She always wants to chase them and swat at them. The first time she saw snow, when she was a baby, she was really excited because she thought it was millions of tiny white bugs falling from the sky. She just sat there starring out the window. Another time, when she was a baby, she actually killed a bumblebee. I came home from work, and it was lying on the rug next to a broken light bulb. There are a few bugs I do like. I like butterflies because they are pretty to look at. I like fireflies because I have good memories of trying to catch them and put them in a jar when I was a kid. I also like lady bugs. When Melia was little she went through a phase where she liked bugs. She especially liked worms and caterpillars, and she was always trying to collect them. One day, she came in really excited, and she wanted me to come outside and see something. I figured she was going to show me a bug or something. Instead, when I got outside, she pointed to this kid on a bicycle and she said "Look isn't he cute?" And, I thought 'Wow, she's really growing up' and when I told my husband what happened I think he was more afraid of the idea of our daughter growing up and dating than anybody ever was of any bugs.

And that's our view. What kind of bugs do you like or hate most?

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Where-To-Go Wednesday - Adventure Aquarium

What - Adventure Aquarium

Where: 1 Riverside Drive
            Camden, New Jersey

Who: All Ages

Our view: There is much to see and do at Adventure Aquarium as the Aquarium is quite large.. If you have younger kids who get bored easily and or tired of walking around, you might want to try a smaller aquarium. However, older kids will enjoy Adventure Aquarium. Aside from the various fish on exhibit, there are Hippos, Penguins and Sea Turtles. A variety of options are offered for upclose adventures with Hippos, Penguins, Sea Turtles or even Sharks. These do cost extra, however, and are quite pricey. However, there are unique adventures that are included with the cost of a regular aquarium ticket as well, such as the opportunity to pet stingrays and sharks which is actually not as scary as it sounds. You can also observe the feeding of Hippos, Turtles, Penguins or even Stingrays. Special free events are offered which may be for a day at a time such as Turtle Story Time or a week or more at a time such as Turtles: Journey of Survival, a special turtle exhibit which is appearing through March 24. The Aquarium is open all year round from 10:00 to 5:00. Holidays and summer is typically the busiest time. Weekdays during April, May and June can be busy too as a lot of schools take class trips to the aquarium during these months. Basic tickets are $24.95 for 12 and over, $17.95 for 2 -12, and free for under 2. Combo tickets which include a 4D theater experience are $27.95 for 12 and up and $20.95 for 2 -12. If you are going to be staying in the Philadelphia area and/or visiting a number of attractions in that area, a Philadelphia City Pass gets you admission to six popular Philadelphia attractions at a discount including Adventure Aquarium. Special note: if you like baseball and you go the Aquarium during the baseball season, Campbell's Field, Home of the Camden Riversharks of baseball's independent Atlantic League is located right next door to the Aquarium. For more information or to make reservations go to For more information about Philadelphia City Pass go to

And that's our view. Tune in tomorrow for another Talking Topic.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Tips for Tuesday - Movies: The Wizard of Oz and The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel

Me - Today I am recommending The Wizard of Oz. It is one of my favorite movies of all time. It it is a great movie for all ages. My little sister and my Mom and Dad all love it too except Aurella gets scared by the witch. It is has a good story, it is really colorful and has great songs.

Mom - Today I am recommending The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel. It is a movie about British retirees living in India. This movie runs the gamut of emotions, at times it is happy, at times it is sad, at times it is funny. However, most of all it shows that sometimes movies about older people can be just as entertaining about movies about young people.

 And that's our view. Tune in tomorrow for Where-To-Go Wednesday.

Monday, March 4, 2013

The 2013 Oscars

Me - The Oscars, wow! I liked watch the Oscars with my Mom and Dad even though I hadn't seen most of the movies. I thought Seth McFarlane was funny. I was happy Jennifer Lawrence won. She is one of my favorite actresses, and I loved Silver Linings Playbook. I wish it had won best picture, but I knew it would be Argo or Les Miserables, and Silver Linings Playbook didn't stand a chance. I was also glad Brave won. My sister and I liked it, but my parents didn't like it as much. I don't think I saw any of the other nominated movies. I wanted to see Wreck It Ralph though. Jennifer Lawrence looked really pretty. Most of the people looked nice. Nobody else really stood out though. Some of the dresses looked really nice from the front, but not so nice from the back. Even though I didn't see most of the movies I still enjoyed watching a good show.

Mom - I really looked forwarded to seeing the Oscars this year. I had actually seen a lot of the movies which were nominated which is unusual for me.  I did a good job of predicting the winners too. As soon as I saw Argo I thought it could win an Oscar because it was ultimately an uplifting movie and the critics and the audiences both loved it. I knew Daniel Day Lewis would win the Oscar as soon as I saw a commercial for Lincoln. I never actually saw the movie Lincoln though. My husband and I wanted to. We just never did. When I saw The Life of Pi, I was not that impressed with the movie. However, I thought that it was visually beautiful, and it would win an Oscar for best cinematography. It did. There were parts of Les Miserables I liked and parts I didn't but I knew Anne Hathaway would win an Oscar for her role of Fantine, and she did. The rest of the awards some I guessed right and some I didn't. Host, Seth McFarlane was at times funny and at times kind of offensive, but that is how Seth McFarlane is. If they expected anything else they should have hired somebody else. I liked the tribute to movie musicals because it was like a passing of the torch.  Catherine Zeta Jones who won a best supporting actress Oscar for Chicago sang, Jennifer Hudson who won a best supporting actress Oscar for Dreamgirls sang. Then, Anne Hathaway sang with her Les Miserables castmates and later that night she won a best supporting actress Oscar. I didn't really like the James Bond tribute. I guess they picked Goldfinger out of all the James Bond theme songs because that is one of the oldest ones, but I didn't really think Shirley Bassey sounded that good singing it. It is not my favorite James Bond theme anyway. I kind of like Live and Let Die by Paul McCartney and For Your Eyes Only by Sheena Easton better to name a few. I did like when Adele sang the Oscar winning Skyfall theme song though. I also liked that Adele is a woman who just had a baby and looks like someone who just had a baby. You don't often seen that in Hollywood. Of course, as always fashion was a big part of Oscar night. I do not so much care who is wearing who. I don't know that much about the different designers anyway. I just know what I like. This year the clothes and hair were for the most part nice, but none really stood out to me in a good way or a bad way. All in all, it was an enjoyable Oscars, and I was particularly glad to see that Argo won and that Jennifer Lawrence won for Silver Linings Playbook. However, the show itself was not particularly memorable.

And that's our view. What did you think was the best movie of 2012?

Friday, March 1, 2013

Funny Friday - Don't Mess with Aurella

Me - When my sister was younger, she was trying to "read" her book and my brother kept being noisy so she complained to my Dad. "Should I kill him?" my Dad joked. "Oh, Daddy! You're so good to me and Melia!" she replied.

Mom - When Aurella got mad at her sister one day she told her sister, "I have a foot and it knows how to kick."

We welcome you to share your funny stories with us. Tune in Monday for another Talking Topic.