

Monday, December 31, 2012

Things That Make Me Sad

Me - Things that make me sad, opposite of wow. I don't like sad stuff. I don't like death because death is sad. Sad movies make me sad. Sad books make me sad. It makes me sad when people fight. It makes me sad when other people are sad. It makes me sad when people are mad at me. It makes me sad when I behave badly even though I don't mean to. It makes me sad when my parents fight. It makes me sad when me and my sister fight. It makes me sad when my brother is mean to me. It makes me sad when anybody is mean to me. It makes me sad when people are mean to each other. It makes me sad when people are mean to animals. It makes me sad when I am hurt or sick. It makes me sad when other people are hurt or sick. It makes me sad when animals are hurt or sick. I hate being sad.

Mom - There are many different kinds of sad. There are entertaining sad things like a sad book or a tearjerker movie. There are annoying sad things like when  you don't get something you are expecting or when your favorite sports team loses and loses and loses. However, the worst kind of sad things are the serious sad things. It is sad when people fight. It is sad when people are mean to each other. It is sad when people don't respect each other. It is sad when people hate each other. It is sad when people are cruel to animals. It is sad when people don't have a place to live or enough to eat. It is sad when people don't have anyone to love or love them. There are so many sad things in the world, too many. However, the saddest thing of all, is that a crazy person can easily get  a bunch of guns and go into a mall or a supermarket or a movie theater or a school and kill  a bunch of innocent people that he doesn't even know.  My heart goes out to the victims of  all these recent tragedies and their families. My heart especially goes out to the victims of the recent Newtown school shootings. Thinking about those sweet innocent first graders who were cruelly gunned down keeps me awake at night. My Aurella is the same age, and I cannot for a minute imagine having to go on with my life without her or her sister, Melia. Words cannot express how sad I am that we live in a world where things like this can happen.

And that's our view. Tune in tomorrow for Tips for Tuesday.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Funny Friday - I Was So Mad

Me -

When I was little when mommy said no to me, I wanted daddy. When daddy said no to me, I wanted mommy. One day, when I was mad at mommy and daddy, I said,"I want my cat,Gigi."

 Mom -

Aurella to mommy: I don't like you anymore because of what you said.

Mommy: What did I say?

Aurella: I don't remember.

We welcome you to share your funny stories with us.
Tune in Monday for another Talking Topic.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Fun Things About the Winter

Me - Fun things about winter, wow! I like to sled. I like to play with my sister in the snow. We  try to build a snowman but we are not very good at it. Instead, we play this really fun game we made up. I love love love ice skating. It is one of my favorite things in the world to do. I enjoy drinking hot chocolate especially now that you can get Dunkin Donut's hot chocolate at home. In the winter, my family lights a fire in the living room fireplace, and we all sleep around it. I like sometimes having snow days and getting a break from school. My birthday is in the winter, and I love that. Of course, there are bad things about the winter too, but I don't think anyone can say they don't like anything about the winter.

Mom - There are a  lot of things I don't like about the winter especially cold, snow, and ice. However, there are good things about the winter too. My birthday is in the winter although I don't like getting older. My daughter's birthday is in the winter too. I like having an excuse to drink hot chocolate. I'm so glad that Dunkin Donuts is now selling their hot chocolate in k-cups because their hot chocolate is really good. I hope they start selling their white hot chocolate in k-cups because I like that even better. It is fun to warm up by the fire although personally, I can only take a few minutes by the fire before it gets too hot. Sometimes, in the winter our whole family sleeps around the fire which is fun. When it is really cold, it is a good excuse to lay around in pajamas all day and watch movies and stuff. That is always fun. It is fun to go ice skating. We recently took our girls ice skating for the first time, and they had a blast. When you are young, it is fun to go sledding and to build a snowman. As for me, I still like ice skating although we don't go often, but as for sledding and building a snowman, I'd rather be in the house where it's warm.

And that's our view. What do you like to do in the winter?

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Where-To-Go Wednesday - The Empire State Building

What: The Empire State Building

Where: 350 Fifth Avenue
             New York, New York

 Who: All ages

Our view: If you are interested in pretty city views from tall buildings, the Empire State Building is the place for you. The  Empire State is currently the 2nd tallest building in New York City at 1,250 (One World Trade Center also known as the Freedom Tower is the tallest at 1,776 feet) and the 14th tallest building in the world. If you are interested in architecture, this is also the place for you. It was built in the 1930s, and it's Art Deco lobby has been completely restored. There are two observaton decks at the 80th and the 102nd floor. The 80th floor offers an indoor observation area for colder days. The 102nd floor is the highest observation area in New York City open to the public. If you want to see the greatest views of one of the greatest cities in the world, you definitely should visit here. However,  I would recommend visiting  on day when you are in the city for something else because beyond the observation decks and the gift shop, it is pretty much just an office building. The observation areas are open daily from 8:00 AM to 2:00 AM. The last elevator up is 1:15 AM. On New Year's Eve the last elevator up is 10:15 PM. Come early or late to avoid the crowds. Express passes are available for purchase which allows you to skip the lines.The other downside is that it is bit pricey. Tickets for the 86th floor observatory are $25.00 for adults, $22.00 for seniors, $19.00 for kids 6-12.  Express tickets for the 86th floor only are $47.50 for all visitors. Tickets for both observation decks are $42.00 for adults, $39.00 for seniors, and $36.00 for kids 6-12. Express tickets for both tickets are $64.50 for all. Tickets for just the 102nd floor observation deck are not available.

For more information go to

Tune in tomorrow for another Talking Topic.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Tips for Tuesday - TV Shows: The Cosby Show & Toy Hunter

Me - Today I am recommending The Cosby show. It is really funny. Even though it was on a long time ago, the family situations are the same type of situations that families face today. I especially love the characters of Rudy and Olivia because I love little kids ,and they were both really cute. The Cosby Show is one of my new favorite shows, and I would highly recommend it.

Mom - Today I am recommending the Toy Hunter. If you are nostalgic for old toys this is the show for you. If you are interested in toys that would traditionally be considered boy toys like action figures, you will particularly like this show. Watching this show, makes me wish, I had kept every toy I ever had in my life. I mean I know in reality that would not be very practical, but I can't help wondering if anything I had then would have been worth any money now.

And that's our view. Tune in tomorrow for Where-To-Go Wednesday.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Things That Make Me Happy

Me -  Things that make me happy, wow! Life makes me happy. Books make me happy. Kittens make me happy. Babies and little children make me happy. Full House makes me happy. Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen make me happy. The Sound of Music makes me happy. Macaroni and cheese makes me happy. Hello Kitty makes me happy. Presents make me happy. My birthday makes me happy. Having friends makes me happy. A nice teacher makes me happy. Good grades make me happy. Solos in choir make me happy. Getting things I want makes me happy. New clothes and shoes make me happy. New earrings makes me happy. Getting a new app makes me happy. Having money to spend makes me happy. Having a home makes me happy. My cat makes me happy. Having a nice family who loves me makes me happy.

Mom - There are so many great things in this world and so many things that make me happy. A nice pair of shoes makes me happy. A great pair of earrings makes me happy. A good hair day makes me happy. A good book or movie makes me happy. My favorite sports teams make me happy when they are winning. The taste of milk chocolate makes me happy.  Good friends make me happy. Nice weather makes me happy. Giving and getting gifts makes me happy. A good surprise makes me happy. A nice relaxing day makes me happy.  Getting a lot done makes me happy. The sight of a smile on my children's faces makes me happy. The sound of my children's laughter makes me happy. The sound of my cat purring makes me happy. Most of all my the love of my husband and children makes me happy. It makes me happy that even though there can be so many bad, scary and/or sad things in this world, there are still so many good things too.

And that's our view. What makes you happy?

Tune in tomorrow for Tips for Tuesday.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Funny Friday - I Want to Be Left Alone

Me -

When I was little and my brother was bothering me I said, "You noying me, Jack!"

Mom -

When Melia was two years old and her brother was bothering she said "Get out of  my face, Jack!"

We welcome you to share your funny stories with us.

Tune in Monday for anther Talking Topic.

Thursday, December 20, 2012


Me - Cats, wow!  Cats are my favorite animal in the world. I love cats! Cats are so adorably cute. We have had a cat since before I was born. In fact, my Mom had her before she and my Dad got together. My grandfather got her the cat when she moved into an apartment. Our cat's name is Gigi. When I was first born and my Mom brought me home, my cat didn't like me and was mad at my Mom for two whole months until she got used to me. When my sister was born, my cat got used to her a lot quicker. Since then we have been bringing in a lot of little creatures, guinea pigs, birds, fish, a cat. She didn't mind any of the little creatures that lived in a cage or bowl. Eventually, we got rid of the other cat because he was crazy, and Gigi was very happy when that happened.  She didn't like the other cat. She likes her cat food, but her favorite food is tuna fish. She also likes mashed potatos and chicken nuggets. We don't feed these things to her, but if we are eating them, and they fall on the floor she eats them. One time I was eating tuna fish for lunch. My cat smelled it and came into the room. She sniffed the tuna fish and started licking my hand all over. Now, I call it the time my cat bathed my hand of tuna fish. Cats are really amazing, and I love our cat best of all.

Mom - Growing up, I was always a dog person probably because I never had a cat. When I was older and lived in apartment, I couldn't have a dog so I got a cat. I have had her since she was six weeks old, and now she is sixteen years old. She was my first baby. I had her before either of my girls. I even had her before my husband. At first, she had a hard time adjusting when my older daughter was born. She and my husband really bonded at that time. However, gradually she came to see that Melia was a part of her family, and when Aurella came along she adjusted a whole lot quicker. Now, she loves her sisters so much that even though she is afraid of  and generally runs away from loud noises, if one her sisters is crying she goes right over to them to see what is wrong and make sure they are okay. I had my cat before my parents had any human grandchildren. Lots of weekends I would go over to their house to do laundry and stuff, and I would take my cat with me. Sometimes, she even stayed with them when I went away. One time, I went over to their house without her. "Where's the baby?" My Dad asked me. He was always a dog person too, but he has grown to be a cat person as well since I got my cat and my brother has a cat too (he used to have another one too, but she died). As for me, I  no longer consider myself a dog person. I still like dogs as much as I ever did, but I like cats too. I am a cat and a dog person.

And that's our view. Are you a cat or a dog person?

Tune in tomorrow for Funny Friday.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Where-To-Go Wednesday - The Yogi Berra Museum and Learning Center

What: The Yogi Berra Museum and Learning Center

Where:  8 Yogi Berra Drive
              Little Falls, NJ
             (on the campus of Montclair State University

Who: Ages 9 and up and perhaps some younger children who are particularly interested in baseball

Our view: The Yogi Berra Museum is like a mini baseball hall of fame. It is great for kids who might not yet have the attention span to visit the actual Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown. If you are a fan of Yogi Berra, the Yankees, or just baseball in general, this is the place for you. Here you can see many photos and artifacts including championship rings and sometimes even a World Series trophy or two. There is also a screening room which shows baseball related features, such as, Ken Burns' Baseball,  the documentary. Films run when the museum is open. The museum is also host to various special events and  during the summer holds baseball and softball camps for kids on the nearby fields of Montclair State University. The New Jersey Jackals of the Can-Am Independent Professional Baseball League also play their games in a field located directly behind the museum. The Jackals season runs from mid May to mid September. The museum is open Wednesday to Sunday from 12:00 to 5:00 except on holidays. The cost is $6.00 for adults, $4.00 for students under 18. Special events and camps are priced differently. Museum Memberships for age 18 and younger are available for $20.00 for one year or $35.00 for two.

For more information go to

Tune in tomorrow for another Talking Topic.

Tune in tomorrow for another Talking Topic.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Tips for Tuesday - Web-Sites: & B2B Voice

Me - Today I am recommending, It is a fun web-site where they take a bunch of things from different web-sites and put them into one web-site. There are so many games you can play. It is a lot of fun. I even got my sister hooked on it. I would highly recommend it.

Mom - Today I am recommending, The B2B voice. If you do not work, this is probably not the right survey company for you. However, if you do work, this is the place for you as many of the surveys offered are either IT or business to business related. If you are looking for rewards such as gift cards or gifts codes or particular products, this is not the place for you. If you are looking for cash, this is the place for you. All rewards are paid in U.S dollars, and can be redeemed when your account reaches at least $25.00. For more information go to

And that's our view. Tune in tomorrow for Where-To-Go Wednesday.

Monday, December 17, 2012

I wish

Me - Things I wish, wow! I wish I could fly. I wish no one ever got mad at me. I wish I was old enough to have a baby. I wish you only had to go to school if you wanted to. I wish I was perfectly behaved. I wish I was rich. I wish I had more friends who had cell phones. I wish I had more friends. I wish I had my own kitten. I wish me and my sister never got into fights.I wish my birthday was every day but I never got older.  I wish any time I wished something it would come true. I wish everything in life was perfect.

Mom - Of course, I wish for world peace and all that. However, I also wish for personal things. I wish I had a car that could drive itself. In fact, I wish I didn't have to drive at all, I wish I could just be wherever I wanted or needed to be instantly. I wish for a house that could clean itself without my actually having to do anything. I wish I had the time and money to travel anywhere and everywhere. I wish there was more time in the day so I could get more things done. Otherwise, I wish I could sleep and be awake at the same time so I could rest and get things done at the same time.  I wish I could eat whatever I want and never get fat. I wish I didn't have to repeat myself a million times when I talk to my children. I wish sometimes my children would just do what is expected of them without being told. I wish that life was always good and happy and peaceful and never bad and sad and unhappy.

And that's our view. What do you wish for?

Tune in tomorrrow for Tips for Tuesday.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Funny Fridays - Driving My Car

Me -

When I was two years old, one day we were getting in the car to drive home from a restaurant. As soon as my parents unlocked the car, I quickly got into the driver's seat.

"Are you going to drive?" my parents asked.

I nodded my head put out my hand and said "Keys!"

Mom -

When Melia was little and we were riding in my car,she told me "This is my car. Daddy has a car, and I have a car. You don't have a car. If you want a car, we can take you to Toys R Us and get you a car."

We welcome you to share your funny stories with us. Tune in Monday for another Talking Topic.

Thursday, December 13, 2012


Me - Cartoons, wow! I like cartoons because they are funny. I mostly only watch old cartoons because I like them. I also once in a while watch Phineas and Ferb. I watch The Flintstones. I watch The Jetsons. I watch The Pink Panther. I watch Looney Tunes. I watch The Smurfs. I watch Tom and Jerry, and I watch Tom and Jerry Tales. I watch Yogi Bear. I watch a show that I think is new called Puppy in My Pocket. I sometimes watch Scooby Doo. My favorite is The Flintstones, and I watch it the most. The Flintstones is one of my favorite shows besides Full House, which if you are a regular reader of this blog, you will know is my favorite show of all time. If not, you can go back and read our Full House post. I love Pebbles and Bamm Bamm on The Flintstones. They are adorable. It is really cute how they love each other. It is funny how Bamm Bamm is so strong. In one episode that I really liked, they had grouchy neighbors. Barney got the neighbor mad and was running away. He said "Bamm Bamm" and Bamm  Bamm lifted the house and Barney ran under it and said "Thanks Bamm Bamm." I have never seen the episode where Pebbles was born or when Bamm Bamm was adopted. I would really like to see those episodes. I also wish I could see the series about Pebbles and Bamm Bamm when they were older. I would also like to see the episode when Pebbles and Bamm Bamm sing. I really love cartoons!

Mom - I have never been a huge fan of cartoons. I could take them or leave them. Maybe that is because my mother never really liked cartoons, and she did not encourage me to watch them although she never discouraged me from watching them either. When I was little I did like some cartoons particularly Josie and the Pussycats, Scooby Doo and The Flintstones. I also liked the Schoolhouse Rock cartoons that appeared between shows on Saturday mornings to teach kids concepts of math, language, science and social studies. They truly made learning fun by teaching kids without even letting them realize they were learning. Even  now,  my husband and I will spontaneously break out into a song from Schoolhouse Rock every now and then. My kids do as well since they have seen Schoolhouse Rock and enjoyed it as much as we did. Of the current cartoons, I sometimes like Phineas and Ferb and/or The Simpsons although I have never been a huge fan of either. I do like how they are both so topical, and I particularly like the way Phineas and Ferb like the The Flintstones before manages to be so enjoyable for kids and adults alike. My stepson is a big fan of Spongebob Squarepants. I do not really understand why so many people like that so much, and I do not like it all. My stepson is also a big fan of The Simpsons and Family Guy. He has always been a big fan of cartoons though and when he was little he could not understand why anybody would want to watch anything but cartoons. My girls have always watched a mix of cartoons and non-cartoons. However, the older Melia gets the less cartoons she watchs although recently she has become interested in classic TV and started watching old cartoons like The Flintstones and The Jetsons. Aurella watches a lot of kids cartoons where characters are learning things like  how to work together or how to share or something or even more basic lessons like reading or math. I would much rather see her watch cartoons like these where she is actually learning something than mindless cartoons like Spongbob.

And that's our view. What's your favorite cartoon?

Tune in tomorrow for Funny Friday.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Where-To-Go Wednesday - Chuck E. Cheese

What: Chuck E. Cheese

Where: Various Locations

Who: Kids of all ages

Our view: Chuck E. Cheese is a great place for kids of all ages. For younger kids there are rides. For middle age kids, there is a play area. For older kids, there are games. Kids can play games and earn tickets and trade them in for prizes. There is also an animatronic stage show that may scare really small children but may entertain kids from around age 5 to age 7. The nice thing about Chuck E. Cheese is that kids (especially younger kids from about 4 to 8) like it, and it keeps them busy. It is also nice that each game costs only one token. However,it is not so nice for adults. It is very noisy. Also, while you can usually get a good deal on food and tokens as coupons are pretty readily available, the food is not very good.

For more about Chuck E. Cheese go to

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Tips for Tuesday - Movies: The Sound of Music & Argo

Me - Today I am recommending The Sound of Music. The Sound of Music is my favorite movie ever. The first time I watched it I was 7. The second time I watched it I was 10. The story is perfect. There is romance. There is comedy. There is drama. Besides, I love movies with a lot of kids in them.  One of my favorite parts is when the Captain is introducing the children to Maria. I love all of the characters in the movie. After reading a book by the actress who played Liesel,  I have a new respect for her character. I love every part of the movie, and I don't think that there is the tiniest thing wrong with it. I love every single tiny little detail. Although The Sound of Music is over 45 years old, I would still highly recommend it.

Mom - Today I am recommending Argo. Before I saw this movie, I heard nothing  but good things about it. I wondered how a movie could be so good that everyone would love it. However, after I saw the movie, I would have to agree that it was an excellent movie. It was well acted, well written and exciting to watch. It  really drew me into the story and made me feel like I was right there in the middle of the action along with the cast. Even going into the movie knowing that things are going to turn out okay in the end did not lessen any of the tension I  felt while watching the movie. I am sure that this movie will probably be nominated for an Oscar or two including best picture. Besides, all that the movie gave me a new appreciation for our friends and neighbors to North the Canadians.

And that's our view. Tune in tomorrow for Where-To-Go Wednesday.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Best Friends Through the Years

Me - Best friends through the years, wow!  When I was little my best friend was a boy. His mother knew my mother since they were little kids. He was my best friend for the first few years of my life. Then, in first grade, I had a different best friend who was a girl. In second grade, she started going to a different school. I had a different best friend again. She was a girl who lived down the street. She wasn't really very nice though because as soon as we weren't in the same class anymore, I only saw her when she had nothing better to do. Then, we had a big fight, and we didn't see each other at all. For a while, I didn't really have a best friend. Over the summer, I had a new best friend. My Dad had this friend who kept pushing my Dad to be friends with this woman that my Dad's friend liked. He kept pushing me and my little sister to meet and become friends with the woman's daughter. Her daughter is a year old then me. My sister met her and liked her so I decided to meet her. At first, I didn't like her but over time we became best friends. Eventually, my Dad was not really friends with the guy who pushed us to be friends with her and her Mom anymore. However, for a while, my family was really close with my friend and her family, and she and I were best friends and were especially close.  I was close with my best friend and her mother and grandmother. I really liked having a best friend, and I hoped we stay best friends for a long long time. However, once we went back to school since we are different ages, and live in different towns, we drifted apart. I went back to school and made new best friends.

Mom - I am lucky enough to have a husband who is my best friend. However, over the years, I have had many other best friends. When I was about three, I had two boy best friends. When I was a in elementary school, I lived somewhere else and had another best friend. In middle school, I again lived somewhere else and had another best friend the first year. When she moved, I had another best friend. When she and I drifted apart, I had another best friend who went to a different school. She and I remained best friends when we went to college even though we were at different colleges. My best friend at college was my college roommate. After college, I stayed friends with my college roommate and my other friend. However, things happened and my other best friend and I eventually drifted apart. Most of my adult life, I have had the same best friend. Sometimes, I think I would have liked to be one of those people who had the same best friend for their whole life or one of those people who had the same group of best friends for a long period of time like the girls on Sex and the City. Unfortunately, that is not the way my life has worked out. I mean I have valued my relationships with all of my best friends through the years especially my current best friend. However, the thing that scares me is that if something happens to my best friend even though I will still have my husband and my kids and other people in my life, in some ways I will be all alone. Since my  best friend has been in poor health for the last couple years, this is something I think and worry about a lot.

And that's our view. How many best friends have you had in your life?

Friday, December 7, 2012

Funny Friday - Feeding Baby

Me - When I was little I said I was feeding my baby (my doll) "sprained peas."

Mom - When Aurella was little she said she was feeding her baby (her doll) "strained macaroni and cheese, strained Reeses, and strained M & Ms."

We welcome you to share your funny stories with us.

Tune in Monday for another Talking Topic.

Thursday, December 6, 2012


Me- Broadway, wow! I have been to eight Broadway shows so far. I hope to go to more. Beauty and the Beast was my first Broadway show. My Dad took me to see it when I was 4 years old. It was also my brother's first Broadway show when he was 5. My Mom and my aunt took him. My Dad was going to take my sister when she was 4, but it wasn't playing any more. Her first Broadway show was Godspell. My second Broadway show was Mary Poppins. I went with my Mom and Dad and my cousin. My third Broadway show was Annie. My Mom was obssessed with Annie when she was a kid. She took me when I was in kindergarten. We took a train to get there, and it was my first train ride. My third Broadway show was Xanadu. My Mom took me when I was in first grade. It was so good. I wished I could have been in it. My Mom told me that it is one of those shows that it is as fun to be in as it is to watch. My Grandparents took me to see Mamma Mia, Hairspray and Wicked. They were all really good. The most recent show I saw was Godspell. It was really good too. I wished I could have been in it. My Mom told me that one was also a show it would be as much fun to be in as to watch.  I love Broadway shows, and I hope to see many more and to some day take my kids to Broadway shows.

Mom - I don't remember how old I was when I went to my first Broadway show, but I know I was younger than my youngest daughter is now. It was The Magic Show. Magician, Doug Henning, starred in it, and afterwards, we were able to get his autograph. I loved it, and I was hooked. Since then I have been to many many shows. Most of them have been musicals although some have been dramas  like The Diary of Anne Frank, An Inspector Calls and Take Me Out and comedies like The Last Night of Bally Hoo and Aren't We All? I have seen long-running shows like Cats, Phantom of the Opera, and Mamma Mia. I have seen shows that didn't last long at all like Nick and Nora, Sarava,  and I Remember Mama the musical. With few exceptions, I have loved them all. Asking me to choose my favorite Broadway show that I have ever seen would be like asking me to choose my favorite child. I have seen many other shows besides those I have seen on Broadway. I have seen community theater shows, and I have seen professional shows outside of Broadway. I have enjoyed  most of those too. However, there is nothing like a Broadway show. Luckily, I have lived on the East Coast with easy access to Broadway most of my life. If I ever moved away from here, that would be one of the things I would miss most.

And that's our view: What is your favorite Broadway show you have ever seen or what Broadway show would you like to see?

Tune in tomorrow for Funny Friday.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Where-To-Go Wednesday - Broadway Shows

What- Broadway Shows

Where: Various Theaters
              New York, New York

Who: Ages 4 and up depending on the show

Our view: One of our favorite things about where we live is how close we are to New York City. One of our favorite things to do in New York City is go to Broadway shows. Even if you have been to a theatrical production before or even if you have been to many theatrical productions before, there is still something different and special about a Broadway show. One of the things that makes Broadway special is that there are so many theaters in such close proximity. You can find every kind of show you would want within blocks of each other: dramas. comedies, musicals, and other kinds of shows that don't really fit into any traditional category. Another thing that makes Broadway special are the actual theaters. Ever theater has its own history of shows that have been performed there before and performers that have appeared in them. Every theater is just a little bit different than all the others. Some are older; some are newer. Some are more modern; some are more classical. There are shows for just about every age and interest. We would recommend that you find out as much as you can about a particular show before you go particularly if you are planning on bringing your children. Not all shows are appropriate for all ages. We will try to talk more about specific shows in future posts.
The main problem with Broadway shows is that tickets can be pricey especially if you plan to take your whole family. However, there are many web-sites that offer discount tickets or codes to obtain discount tickets to many shows. Check out or to name just a few. If you are interested in obtaining same day discount tickets visit the TKTS ticket booth under the red steps in Father Duffy Square which is located at Broadway and 47th street. The booth is open Monday, Thursday and Friday from 3-8, Tuesday 2-8, Wednesday and Saturday 10-8, and Sunday 11-7. Please not that while there are evening performances almost every day, matinees are usually Wednesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays. At the booth discount tickets are available for that day's performance and full price tickets are available for future performances. There is also a TKTS booth in Downtown Brooklyn that sells same day tickets to evening shows and next day tickets to matinees. TKTS now accepts credit cards but certain shows may require cash only. Not all shows are available at TKTS at all times and  the shows that are available are constantly changing even within the same day so it is wise to have several alternatives of shows you would like to see. If a show is really popular and usually sells-out , tickets will probably not be available at TKTS. We would also recommend getting to the booth as early as possible because there will be a line of people waiting to purchase tickets and sometimes it can be quite long. Generally, the nicer the weather is the longer the line is so if you can go on a colder and/or rainier day you are better off. For more information about TKTS go to the   Theatre Development Fund web-site. For more information about Broadway in general , there are many web-sites you can visit,, or the web-sites previously mentioned are just a few of them. You can also visit web-sites for specific shows. We will also be talking more about Broadway in tomorrow's Talking Topic as well as in future posts.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Tips for Tuesday - Books: Forever Liesel

Me - Today I am recommending, Forever Liesel by Charmaine Carr. She played Liesel in the movie The Sound of Music. It was a great movie. She tells about things you wouldn't realize from just watching the movie. She talks about the different members of the cast, the producer, and the director and stuff. Also, she talks about her family. If you like the movie, The Sound of Music, I think you will like this book. If you haven't seen the movie than I highly recommend you watch the movie and read the book.

Mom - Today I am also recommending, Forever Liesel by Charmaine Carr. I would highly recommend this book for any fan of the movie. She provides a lot of interesting facts and insights about the making of this classic film. Once you read it, you'll want to see the movie again or if you haven't seen it you'll want to see it.

And that's our view. Tune in tomorrow for Where-To-Go Wednesday

Monday, December 3, 2012

Good vs. Bad Holiday Edition

Me - There are good and bad things about the holidays. Some good things are I like getting presents, I like getting a break from school, and I like seeing the family. I am pretty sure everybody loves getting presents for the holidays. Why shouldn't they? Some things I like to get are ds games, dolls, and other toys. And I think all students like to have a break. School is fun but sometimes it's good to get some time off from all the work. And it's always nice to spend time with family at least once a year. Some bad things are everyplace is always crowded, and lots of things are sold out. Places are crowded because everyone is always doing last minute shopping. And things are sold out because lots of kids want them so parents go out and buy them. Although different people don't always think of the holidays as perfect there are always good and bad things about them.

Mom - There are many good and bad things about the holidays. It is fun to give and get presents. It is not fun trying to decide what to get everyone, and it is a pain when you get things you don't want and/or don't need. It is fun buying things. It is not fun when you don't have any money left or you spend much more than you should. It is nice to get together with the family. Too much family togetherness is not always a good thing. The stores have lots of sales. The stores are much too crowded. The decorations are pretty. Too many people have way too many decorations. People are happier and friendlier. People are sadder and angrier. It is a nice break not having to take the children to school and/or to and from their usual activities while they are off for winter break. It is not nice when the children are not in school and they hang around all the time being annoying and/or bored even though they have plenty of new things to play with. Holiday songs are pretty. After a week or two or sometimes even less they get annoying. It is good that the stores give you plenty of time to prepare for the holiday season. It is bad that every year the stores seem to get out their holiday stuff earlier and earlier. They used to bring out the holiday stuff after Thanksgiving. Now, they bring it out before Halloween. Before you know it, they will start bringing out the holiday stuff around Valentine's Day. After the holiday sales are good. However, the stores can sometimes be as crowded as they were before the holidays. It is always nice when the holiday season begins, it is always nice when the holiday season ends.

And that's our view. What do you like and/or dislike about the holiday season?

Tune in tomorrow for Tips for Tuesday.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Funny Friday - The Game of Names

Me - When I was young,we were in the store one day. "I want those clothes." I told my mother.
         "Those are boy clothes." my Mom said.
        "I'm a boy." I said. "My name is George."

Mom - Aurella was talking about her daddy's Grandma Frosting.
            "Do you mean Grandma Flossie?" I asked.
            "No." she insisted. "Grandma Frosting."

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Talking Topics

Due to unforeseen circumstances we are unable to post today.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Where-To-Go Wednesday

Due to unforeseen circumstances we are unable to post today.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Tips for Tuesday - Web-Sites: Monster & Bing Rewards

Me - Today I am recommending Monster If you like monster high dolls then this is the website for you. You can watch all the webiesodes for free. You can get to know all the characters, take quizzes, play games, and more.

Mom - Today I am recommending Bing Rewards. You can get as many as 15 points a day for searching as well as points for using Facebook and other things. You can get a $3.00 Amazon gift code for as little as 340 points or $5.00 Amazon gift code for 525 points. There are numerous other rewards as well, or you can donate your points to charities, such as, Teach for America and/or Boys and Girls Club of America. For more information or to sign up go

And that's our view. 

Monday, November 26, 2012

TV Shows and Toys

Me - Hi. I have a lot of toys. I watch a lot of TV shows too. A lot of the toys I have are from the TV shows I watch. I have Doc McStuffins toys. I have Strawberry Shortcake toys. I have My Little Pony toys. I have Olivia toys. I have Jojo's Circus toys. The Jojo toys  used to be my sister's. These are all TV shows I watch. I used to have Dora the Explorer toys. I used to have Go Diego Go toys. These are shows I used to watch. I got rid of the toys because I don't like the shows any more.  I love to have toys from TV shows that I watch. When I don't like the show any more, I don't want they toys any more. Usually, I don't stop liking shows though. However, I did stop liking Dora, and I hardly ever liked Diego anyway.*

*The above post is a guest post by little sister Aurella as dictated to Mom.

Mom - TV shows and toys. Toys and TV shows. Sometimes, it seems like Kids TV is just an excuse to sell toys. Over the years, my kids have had Sesame Street toys. They have had Barney toys. They have had Jojo's Circus toys. They have had Dora the Explorer toys.They have had Strawberry Shortcake toys. They have had many other toys associated with TV shows. Even older kids shows have toys associated with them such as Hannah Montana and Wizard of Waverly Place Barbies. We have had both of these among others in our house as well. Sometimes, the show comes before the toys and sometimes, the toys come before the show. My Little Pony was a toy first, and I believe Strawberry Shortcake was as well. There is even a new show based on the Littlest Pet Shop toys. Kids shows are all about merchandising. They can and do sell almost every toy, you can thing of related to any kids TV show. Toys and TV shows are not really a pair alone, they are part of a triangle: toys, TV shows, and kids. When it comes to kids, if the TV show is popular the toys probably will be too.

And that's our view. How do you feel about toys based on TV shows?

Friday, November 23, 2012

Funny Friday - Things Are People Too

Me - When my Mom was in college, her roommate's friend asked to borrow her roommate's Walkman. Her roommate said "No, it's just a baby."

Mom - When I was little my grandmother had all these perfume and makeup bottles on a shelf behind her bed. When I slept over I liked to play with them and pretend they were people.

We welcome you to share your funny stories with us. Tune in Monday for another Talking Topic.

Thursday, November 22, 2012


Me - Thanksgiving, wow! Every Thanksgiving, we usually go to my Grandma's house along with my cousins. I don't like turkey. We always have other things besides turkey. My Mom and sister don't like turkey either. I play with my cousin's.  Almost every Thanksgiving my one cousin beats me up. I am close to my cousin, Cody, because he is a middle child like me. My older girl cousin and I are not really close even though we are only two years apart. My younger girl cousin and my sister are about a year and half a part. They are really close, and they usually play together. We usually have a lot of people at Thanksgiving, and it gets really noisy. It is nice when the weather is good and we can all go outside to play. We all get along better when we are playing outside. My cousin, Cody and I and Aurella and Cody's younger sister always run and spin and roll down the hills in my grandmother's backyard. We usually always have ice cream cake and a lot of good desserts. Some times our younger cousins come too. I love to play with them. They are adorable.   They don't come that much though. Lots of times, I sleepover at Grandma's and watch the Thanksgiving parade with her. Sometimes, my sister comes too. Sometimes, my Mom and Dad come early enough so that my Mom can watch at least part of the parade with me. Thanksgiving is usually fun, and I especially love to play with my cousins.

Mom - Almost every Thanksgiving we go to my Mom and Dad's. My sister and her husband and kids are always there. The rest of the people vary from year to year. I like going to my Mom's because I hate all the traditional Thanksgiving foods. I do not not like sweet potatoes. I do not like cranberry sauce. I do not like pie. I do not even like turkey. My Mom always has some of those things like cranberry sauce, and of course, turkey. However, she always has other things to like some kind of pasta or steak, twice baked potatoes or mashed potatoes, and corn pudding. Also, we always have ice cream cake because we have so many family birthdays that are around the holidays. This year, however, we are staying home for Thanksgiving. We are having turkey and ham. We will have about seven people. Five of whom do not eat turkey.  Traditionally, Thanksgiving is the beginning of the holiday season, but I always aim to have my shopping done before Thanksgiving. I do most of it on-line now anyway. I like to watch the Macy's parade with my girls but we don't always wake up early enough. Sometimes, they sleepover at my Mom's and if I don't go over there early enough I don't get to see the parade with them. Sometimes, I record the parade just in case. I prefer to watch things recorded anyway so you can fast forward the commercials. The only thing I don't like to watch recorded is sports. My brother-in-law actually records and watchs sports and he get mad if anyone tells him what happened before he gets to watch it. I don't know how he does it. Even if I am trying not to find out about something, I go on-line and there it is especially of it is a major sporting event. That is another thing Thanksgiving is about - sports. My Dad, my brother (when he is there), and my brother-in-law and various other friends or relatives alway watch football on Thanksgiving. Personally, I am not that into football. I prefer hockey and baseball. All in all, Thanksgiving is not my favorite holiday, but it is not my least favorite either.

And that's our view. What do you like about Thanksgiving?

Tune in tomorrow for Funny Friday.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Where-To-Go-Wednesday is closed this week.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Tips for Tuesday - Misc.: Kraft Macaroni and Cheese & Target Photo Studios

Me - Today I am recommending Kraft Macaroni and cheese. It is really cheesy and delicious. I can't enough of it. It is one of my favorite foods.

Mom - Today I am recommending Target photo studios. They are reasonably priced with packages starting at around $7.99. They are conveniently located in your local Target. We have been having all our formal pictures taken there for years, and in our experience, we have always been pleased with their photos.

And that's our view.

Monday, November 19, 2012


Me - Cooking, wow! I used to take cooking classes. When I was little I took them with my Dad. When I was 4, I  even had a cooking birthday party. We made pizza and cupcakes. When I was older, Dad took cooking classes with my little sister. I took them on my own. My Dad and I always used to bake English Muffins. A few times we made other things. One time we made a vegetable smoothie. Another time we made spinach pie. We used to make gingerbread cookies every year but we haven't for a few years. One time, we made them for my school for a project. Sometimes, I help my Mom or Dad cook. I like to cook. I like to help look for recipes.  Cooking is really fun.

Mom - I don't really like cooking. I mean I don't mind actually doing it. I just don't like to take the time to do it. Because I know that as soon as I start cooking dinner, I am not going to be able to relax until after the kids are in bed. So most of the time it is easier just to throw something in the microwave or something because it doesn't take up as much time. I like the idea of cooking more often, but it is hard to get myself to do it. I think about doing it a lot. I am always saving recipes. Even though I am a picky eater, there are wide variety of recipes that use foods that I like. I also have been known to take out ingredients in certain recipes or substitute one thing for another to make something into a recipe I would like. I have never had a problem doing this either. My Mom is a really good cook, and she takes pride in her cooking. Her Mom was a really good cook too. The only problem is my grandmother always served things one food at a time so she was always serving and never really ate with us. My Mom is much better at managing her time and getting everything out at the same time and being able to eat with us. As for me, I can take on a meal for my husband and/or kids now and then, but I'll leave the holiday cooking to someone like my Mother. When it comes to cooking, I am not that ambitious.

And that's our view. Do you like to cook? Why or why not?

Friday, November 16, 2012

Funny Friday - Got to Keep Moving

Me - When my sister Aurella was little she said that if she stood still and stopped moving around all the time she wouldn't be able to breathe.

Mom - When Melia was little my husband was swinging her around. He got tired and needed a rest. Melia went over to my grandmother put out her arms and expected my grandmother to swing her around.

We welcome you to share your funny stories with us. Tune in Monday for another Talking Topic.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

The Battleship New Jersey

Me- The Battleship New Jersey, wow! At first, I didn't like the idea of being on a boat especially on a boat that had been used in real wars. Although I knew it had been used in wars, I couldn't picture it. I can't even picture wars happening. When I picture war, I just think of a bunch of people standing across from each other shooting guns. I don't picture ships. At first, I wasn't happy about going to see the Battleship New Jersey. I didn't know what it was so it didn't interest me. It turned out to be a lot of fun. There were a couple of  groups who were training to be in the army there when we were there. When we went to the TV broadcast room, there was two boys sitting at a desk doing some kind of news story. There were also two men there. The men let me and Aurella be on the TV. I was smiling and waving and didn't want to leave. When we left the room, the older man asked me for my autograph, but he was just joking around. I learned a lot about what it is like to live on a ship. I had a lot of fun, but I don't know that I would want to go back.

Mom - We went to see the Battleship New Jersey. I am not that into battleships and things like that, but it was really interesting visiting the Battleship New Jersey. There were a few different tours you could take. Some of them focused more on the ship as a war ship. We chose a tour called City at Sea. It focused more on what life at sea was like for the men on board ship. We got to see the ship's hospital. We got to see  the ship's dental office. We got to see where the crew slept and each of my girls got to climb up in one of the bunk beds and see what it is like. We got to see the radio room. We got to see the  TV studio. At the TV studio, my girls even got be broadcast on the TV screen. We got to see the jail known as the brig. Even on this tour, we did learn about the history of the ship and the weapons it carried and things related. However, since war doesn't interest me at all, to me the other stuff was much more interesting and to my girls it was too. When my husband and I were on our honeymoon in Hawaii, we visited the Battleship Missouri. That was interesting, but I don't remember that much about it. I think I will remember about the Battleship New Jersey more because I could relate more to the things we saw on the tour.

And that's our view. What kind of tour what you have preferred and why?

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Where-To-Go Wednesday - The Battleship New Jersey Museum and Memorial

What: The Battleship New Jersey Museum and Memorial

Where: 62 Battleship Place
             Camden, NJ

Our view: Since we are not particularly interested in battleships or military history or anything like that we were not particularly interested in visiting the Battleship New Jersey. However, since at least one member of our family wanted to go, we went. We were pleasantly surprised. There is so much more to the Battleship than it's history as a Battleship. You can learn about that. However, there is so much more you can learn as well, such as, about what life is like living at sea. What was it like to go to the dentist at sea? What was it like to go the doctor at sea? What was the radio and the TV station like at sea? What was the jail like at sea? What were the living quarters like at sea?  A trip to the Battleship New Jersey will answer these and many more questions. Just chose the tour that is right for you. There are three tours available to choose from. The General Quarters tour, the Fire Power Tour, and the City at Sea tour. Guided tours or self-guided tours are available. The Battleship is open to the public Saturdays and Sundays 9:30 to 3:00, 9:30 to 5:00 May 1 through September 3. It is closed January 1 through February 1 as well as on Christmas Day and Thanksgiving. Group tours are available as well as overnights. Prices vary depending on what tour you choose but range from $14.00 to $20.00 per person. Children under 6, active military, BB62 vets, and WWII vets are free. A special discount combo tickets for the Battleship New Jersey and the nearby Adventure Aquarium are available. The museum is also conveniently located near Campbells Field home of the Camden Riversharks independent league baseball team.

For more information on the Battleship New Jersey see tomorrow's Talking Topics or go to

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Tips for Tuesday - TV Shows: The Amanda Show & How It's Made

Me - Today I am recommending The Amanda Show. It is a sketch comedy starring Amanda Bynes. There are some really funny sketches on this show. Some of my favorites are Penelope who is Amanda biggest fan and her brother Preston who always wants a sandwich. It is a really funny show, and you should watch it.

Mom - Today I am recommending  How It's Made. How It's Made is on the Sciene Channel. If you want to find out how they make anything this is the place for you. Episodes have included how they make various musical instrument, how they make various foods, and how they make various sporting goods among other things. If they don't have an episode which tells how they make a particular item you are interested in learning about they encourage you to contact them and suggest that topic for a future episode. My husband and kids can watch How It's Made for hours especially my husband.

And that's our view. Tune in tomorrow for Where-To-Go Wednesday.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Halloween 2012 Better Late Than Never

Me - Halloween 2012, wow! This year for Halloween me and my sister were both Dorothy. This was the first year in history Halloween was postponed in my town. In fact, even when my mother and father were children, Halloween was never postponed where they lived. This year it seemed like everybody was trick-or-treating at the mall. It was more packed than I have ever seen it before even around Christmas time. I saw two people I know from school. I also saw one teacher who works at my school. A lot of the stores ran out of candy quickly. Some didn't even have candy at all. We didn't get as much candy as we usually get when we go trick-or-treating around the neighborhood. We only went around the upper level of the mall before we ate dinner and went home. It was just too crowded and we were too hungry. My sister and I sold most of our candy anyway to be donated to the troops. We usually do that. Although, Halloween still managed to be fun, I like it better when we get to trick-or-treat around the neighborhood.

Mom  - For the first time, I ever remember there was no trick-or-treating on Halloween in my town. There was no wandering around the neighborhood with my kids collecting candy from all the neighbors. There was no endless answering of the doorbell to hand out treats to the other kids in the neighborhood. There was no school Halloween costume parade. There was only cold and and dark and no electricity. However, we couldn't just let Halloween pass without doing anything as if it had never happened. The kids would be disappointed. Besides, we had already bought the costumes. Our local mall held a trick-or-treating event on Monday November 5. All (well not all, but most) of the stores gave out candy. We took our kids. They got a lot of candy although perhaps not as much as usual. It wasn't as tiring as it usually is taking them all over the neighborhood although it was still tiring.  Also, it was very crowded. I have never seen the mall so crowded outside of holiday shopping time. In fact, it was like Black Friday for the kiddie crowd. I was really happy when it was over, and it was time to go home. However, I was glad we went to not only because of my kids but because it was a sign of the world returning to normal after the storm. Sometimes, things just being normal is good.

And that's our view. What was your Halloween like this year?

Tune in tomorrow for Tips for Tuesday.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Funny Friday - Talking to the toys

Me - One time when my sister was playing with a stuffed animal she said to it "What's up your sleeves?"

Mom - When Melia was little one night she said to her dolls "Goodnight sweetie peeties."

We welcome you to share your funny stories with us. Tune in Monday for another Talking Topic.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Hurricane Sandy

Me - Hurricane Sandy, not wow. Hurricane Sandy was horrible. Where I live, the storm wasn't so bad. The wind blew hard, but the rain wasn't that bad. However, the electricity was out for four days in our house and for some people it is still out. Our local Target just recently got their power back. Sandy's aftermath was worse than Sandy in most places in our area. When we went out, there were trees down everywhere. A bunch of places still didn't have power even as much as a week later. The places that did have power were crazy. There were people everywhere and they were rude and pushy too. When my Dad and I went to Target, they were emptying ever single thing out of their freezers and throwing it away. We had to throw away a lot of food at home too, and we still haven't gotten to replace most of it. The stores still have not been restocked. A week after the storm we went to Target, and the freezers were still empty. I can't wait for things to get back to normal.

Mom - It's good to back on-line after Hurricane Sandy. It's good to be warm and have lights and electricity after Hurricane Sandy. We didn't have it as bad as lot of people. Our house and our entire family made it through the storm intact and/or alive. We never lost our hot water. Even without electricity, we were able to cook on our gas stove. Still, we didn't have heat for 3 and 1/2 days and we were unable to use any electronics (not exactly a tragedy but hard to get used to). We had to throw out around 4 bags of food, almost all the food in our two refrigerators. Also, the kids were out of school for a week unexpectedly. I love my family, but 3 1/2 days of constant togetherness is a little bit too much. When we were finally able to go out, it felt like the apocalypse. We may have had our electricity, but not everyone in our area did. Many neighborhoods were still in darkness. The stores were eerily dark too. People were really rude and obnoxious. They were acting like it really was the end of the world. They had to have all these policemen in the stores to keep order and keep people from shoplifting. I was torn between not wanting to go out of my house and being stir crazy from not going out of my house. Gradually, now things are returning to normal. It can't happen soon enough for me.

And that's our view. What is the worst natural disaster you have lived through?

Tune in

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Where-To-Go Wednesday - The Crayola Factory

What: The Crayola Factory

Where:30 Centre Square
            Easton, PA

Our view: If your kids are into art, this is the place to go. Although you can learn about the way crayons are made here, it is more of an interactive art place than a museum. There are so many things to do, you can easily spend hours here. There is a gift shop on the premises where plenty of Crayola products are available. However, the prices are not any better than buying the items at any other store. It is generally open from 9:00 to 3:00 Tuesday to Friday and 9:00 to 5:00 Saturday and Sunday. It is closed January 1 -12. The cost is $12.00 per person, $11.00 for seniors and military and free for children under 2. There is not really much to do for babies anyway who would probably be more interested in trying to put the crayons and markers and stuff in their mouths than trying to create artwork. It usually gets crowded between 11 and 2. To ensure you get in on the day and time you want, it is best to make reservations in advance. It gets particularly busy in July and August and on holidays. Also, note there is no free parking. There is a parking garage nearby at a cost of $2.00 per hour or there is metered parking available on the local side streets. Also, note there is no restaurant in the factory. There is a picnic area so you may bring your own lunch. Also, there a number of local restaurants within walking distance. This is not a problem on a warm and sunny day, but may be more of an issue when the weather is not as nice. All in all, it is really fun place to take your kids unless they are not particularly into art in which case I would not recommend it.

And that's our view. For more information go to

Tune in tomorrow for another Talking Topic.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Tips for Tuesday - Web-Sites: & American Consumer Opinion

Me - Today I am recommending You can watch funny videos. You can play fun games and more. It based on The Amanda Show. It was a really funny sketch show starring Amanda Bynes. Reruns currently run on Teen Nick.

Mom - Today I am recommending American Consumer Opinion a site where you accumulate points for participating in surveys. Points can traded in for cash or paypal or donated to charities, such as, American Red Cross, Wildlife Conservation Society and/or The Boys and Girls Club of America. One especially nice thing about this site is that you also get points for taking survey screeners. To learn more about American Consumer Opinion or to sign up to take their surveys go to and tell them sent you.

And that's our view. Tune in tomorrow for Where-To-Go Wednesday.

Monday, November 5, 2012

The Fall TV Season 2012

Me - The Fall TV Season 2012. I  like several new shows. I like Ben and Kate. I like The New Normal. They are both really funny. I like Nashville. Nashville is the only drama I watch. I also like a lot of returning shows. I like the Big Bang Theory and Raising Hope. They are as funny as ever. I like Dancing With the Stars. It is all-star season. I hope Shawn Johnson winds. The dancing this season is better than I have ever seen it. I also watch a bunch of Disney Channel shows. I watch two new shows called Crash and Bernstein and Dog With a Blog. I also watch a bunch of older shows like Jesse, Good Luck Charlie, Ant Farm and Austin and Ally. I watch Nickelodeon shows like Victorious and I-Carly. I watch a new show called See Dad Run. I don't know what channel that is on, but it is so funny, and I love Janey the littlest child out of three. The only surprising thing about the season is that I don't watch Glee anymore. There were too may changes, and my family and I don't like it. Also, I am mad because they broke up all the couples. However, even without Glee, I still have plenty of shows to watch.

Mom - I usually don't pick up too many new shows to watch any new TV season. This season is an exception. These season I have started watching three new shows which is a lot for me. I watch Nashville. I like the music on it too. I like the New Normal. It is different and funny. I like Ben and Kate although it has seemed to get less funny the more episodes I see. As for returning shows, Raising Hope and The Big Bang Theory are as funny as ever. Other shows are funny too like Mike and Molly and Two Broke Girls, but I don't feel the need to watch them every week. I still watch the two CSI's and the one Law and Order that are left. I watch them mostly out of habit more than anything else. Some of the episodes are good though. I have heard that some people don't like this all-star season of Dancing With the Stars because they feel like they have already seen all these people dance. However, I love it. The dancing is amazing. The season started out at the level of dancing other seasons don't get to until the season is almost over. However, the biggest surprise of this TV season is that I have given up Glee. There was just too much change at one time on Glee. I don't like them all being in different places now. I also don't like so many new people at one time as if they can just exchange Marley for Rachel and so on. I also don't like that while they kept Alex and Sam from the Glee Project, they dropped Damian. Unlike Alex and Sam, Damian was never really given a decent a story-line. In fact, he was barely given a story-line at all except in the first episode he appeared in and maybe one other episode. Recently, I have heard that Damian will be coming back to Glee at least for the Thanksgiving episode. I am not sure if he will be back beyond that. Well, maybe sometime I will go back to watching Glee as well, and maybe I won't.

And that's our view. What is your favorite new show?

Tune in tomorrow for Tips for Tuesday.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Funny Friday - I Didn't Do It

Me - When we were little my friend said to my Mom. "I didn't do it."
         My Mom said "You didn't do what?"
         My friend said. "I don't know but that is what Barbara (his sister) always says."

Mom -  When Aurella was little and she did something  wrong she always blamed it on "Bad Dora."

We welcome you to share your funny stories with us. Tune in Monday for another Talking Topic.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Where-To-Go Wednesday

Due to Hurricane Sandy Where-To-Go Wednesday is closed this week.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Tips for Tuesday - Movies: Hotel Transylvania

Me - Today I am recommending Hotel Transylvania. It is hilarious and touching. It is so good I can hardly describe how good it is. My favorite character in the movie is Mavis.  I love the beginning of the movie when Mavis is a baby and her Dad is singing to her. It is just like any other father and daughter except that her Dad is Dracula. You should definitely go see this movie.

Mom - Today I am also recommending Hotel Transylvania. Despite the fact that there have been many many monster movies over the years, Hotel Transylvania puts a new spin on things. At its heart it is a movie about a father trying to keep his daughter safe in the best way he knows how. Eventually, he learns that sometimes father doesn't necessarily know best. Along the way to this discovery, it is a really funny ride.  I  particularly love the way this movie shows the monsters as just regular folk with families like us. I also love the way the monsters are afraid of people instead of the other way around.  All in all, this is definitely a fun and entertaining movie.

And that's our view.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Halloween Costumes

Me - Halloween, costumes, wow! When I was 1, my costume was Blue's Clues. When I was 2, I was a duck because I loved ducks. Another year I was Stephanie from the show Lazy Town. I am not sure why. The show was okay, but I never really loved it. I guess I liked the pink costume. However, the dress was itchy, and the wig bothered me. I ended up taking it off in the middle of Halloween. That year, Aurella was punk Dora. Really, it was just Dora the Explorer, but  because of the way the wig looked on her, we all called her punk Dora. Once I was the Wicked Witch of the West from the Wizard of Oz. Another time, I was Glinda from the Wizard of Oz. Two years ago, I was supposed to be Supergirl. I got embarassed, crawled under a table, and took it off. I wore my regular clothes for the school Halloween parade. For trick-or-treating, I was something else. This year if they don't cancel Halloween because of Hurricane Sandy, I am being Dorothy.

Mom - Most of my childhood Halloween costumes were not that exciting.  My favorite costume I ever had that I can remember is when I was five years old, and I was a bride. My daughters have had some really cute Halloween costumes over the years. One year they were both Snow White when Aurella was 2. Melia's costumes have included  Hannah Montana, the Wicked Witch from the Wizard of Oz, and Glinda from the Wizard of Oz. This year she is going to be Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz. Aurella's costumes have included Dora the Explorer, Madeline, and Fancy Nancy. This year she is also going to be Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz. This is actually the first year that both my girls decided what they are going to be pretty much right away and are sticking to it. Normally, they decide what they are going to be and for some reason or other by the time they actually end up getting their costume they end up being something else. Either the costume they want is too expensive (I mean how much can you pay for something they are only going to wear once), the costume they want is unavailable (or at least unavailable in their size), or they just decide they want to be something else. That's why no matter what my girls say they want to be it's always a surprise what they actually end up being on Halloween.

And that's our view. What was you favorite Halloween costume?

Tune in tomorrow for Tips for Tuesday.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Funny Friday - Little Kids Big Words

Me - When my sister was little she would go around saying "It's so obvious."

Mom - When Melia was little she also liked big words. She also would go around saying "It's so obvious." Also, for a while she became rather fond of the word "nuisance." She made up a song about her best doll, Boo and called it "Boo is a Nuisance." Another time, she said "I have a secret Boo is a nuisance."

We welcome you to share your funny stories with us. Tune in Monday for another Talking Topic.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Me -Halloween, wow! Orginally, I wanted to be Katy Perry this year for Halloween although I am not sure I would feel comfortable in some of the weird outfits she wears.I kind of wanted to wear one of those just to prove that I could  and that I could step out of my comfort zone and be daring. I usually, don't end up being what I first think I want to be anyway. This year, however, I really thought I wanted to be Katy Perry. Last year, I was Glinda the Good Witch. My favorite costume I ever had was Blue Clues when I was one because it fit perfectly, it was comfortable,  and I looked really really cute in it. I have liked most of my Halloween costumes though. However, in third grade, I didn't even wear my costume in the school Halloween parade because I was embarrased by it. I was supposed to be Supergirl. I love Halloween candy. I especially like chocolate candy. The only peanut butter that I like is in Reese's Peanut Butter Cups.The only candy that I like that is not chocolate is Starburst.  My Mom makes my sister and I sell our candy. We are only allowed to keep three different kinds. The candy that we sell is donated to the troops though so at least it is going to go a good cause. My Mom and Dad give us an amount equal to the amount we earn. Then, I get to buy something with the money. I usually buy a book. I can't wait for Halloween!

Mom - When I was a kid, they had the stupidest Halloween costumes. They were plastic and the only way you could tell what a person was supposed to be was because the character's name was written across the chest. The costume also had   a plastic mask that attached to the face by a rubber band which went around the head. The masks were always hot and uncomfortable, and we usually ended up taking them off. Also, it was usually cold so we zipped up our coats, and you couldn't see the name of the character we were supposed to be. Then, it looked like we didn't have a costume on at all. One year, my Grandmother made me a costume instead. It was a pioneer girl costume. The bottom of the skirt was so straight I could barely walk in it so I kept tripping and falling. My favorite costume I ever had was when I was 5 and I was a bride for Halloween. Unlike most girls, I never really thought about or wanted to be a bride again until I actually was one. Like my daughter, I also love chocolate candy and starburst. We cannot keep those in the house or I will keep eating them. When my stepson was little and lived with us, he didn't really like the chocolate that much. He liked the other candy better. That was both good and bad. It was good because my husband and I enjoyed eating all his chocolate candy. It was not good for my waistline, however. Halloween was fun as a kid. However, in some ways it is better now seeing my kids in their costumes and taking them out trick treating. I will be sad when they both get to old for that.

And that's our view. What is your favorite thing about Halloween?

Tune in Monday for another Talking Topic.

Where-To-Go Wednesday - Popcorn Park Zoo

What : Popcorn Park Zoo

Where: 1 Humane Way
             Forked River, NJ

Our view: The Popcorn Park Zoo is a nice little zoo.  The zoo is home to wild life, exotic and farm animals. It is part of the Associated Humane Societies, and it is actually an animal sanctuary where they take in animals that are abused and/or abandoned or just generally don't have any place else to go. It is also a pet shelter where cats and/or dogs can be adopted. The zoo is pretty small, and only takes about an hour or so to go through the whole thing. The cost is minimal $5.00 for adults and children over 12, $4.00 for  seniors and children 3-12, free for children under 3. The cost for school's and other groups is $2.50 a person, but at least 4 weeks notice is needed for reservations for a group. It is nice that this zoo is all about the animals and there are no playgrounds or restaurants or gift shops. There is a small picnic area and limited snacks are available. For a $50.00 or more donation, you can get a stuffed bear. If you go, I would recommend wearing old clothes and sneakers because you will not be walking around on paved sidewalks and roads like at some zoos. The zoo is all made up of dirt paths and the dirt tends to kick up a lot. Over all, it is a really nice zoo, and it is especially nice because it is all about the animals. Unlike at other zoos, the animals are not just captured and put into the zoo for the amusement of people. They are there because they needed to be there. They are there because they don't have any place else to go.

And that's our view. For more information about the Popcorn Park Zoo and/or to make a donation go to http://

Tune in tomorrow for another Talking Topic.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Tips for Tuesday - Books: The WItchy Worries of Abbe Adams & Mrs. Perfect

Me -Today I am recommending The Witchy Worries of Abbie Adams. It's about a girl and her cat, Benjamin, but there's something weird about Benjamin. Abbie is going to find out what it is. Abbie and her family are witches. Join Abbie, her little brother, Munch, her Aunt Sophie and her Mom and Dad on an adventure you'll never forget.

Mom - Today I am recommending Mrs. Perfect by Jane Porter. It is the story of  Taylor Young, a woman, whose seemingly perfect life starts falling apart when her husband loses his job. She finds herself completely out of her comfort zone and having to deal with things she never had to deal with before. The strength Taylor finds within herself and the way she is able to keep herself and her family together despite whatever is thrown in their way is very encouraging. It makes me feel like if Taylor can handle anything that comes her way in life so can I. Therefore, I am highly recommending this book as fun and inspiring read.

And that's our view. Tune in tomorrow for Where-To-Go Wednesdays.

Monday, October 22, 2012


Me - Sleep. wow! I love to sleep. I usually have trouble falling asleep, but once I fall asleep I sleep like a log. I am only able to sleep with my special pillow pet lamb whom I have slept with for the past three years. So when I go to  a sleepover at my Grandmas, or if I go camping, or when I am sleeping in the living room by the fireplace, I take my pillow. It seems like my family takes turns with who is sleeping well and who isn't. At least it is that way with us kids. My Dad always sleeps well, and my Mom hardly ever sleeps. My Dad takes naps a lot. When he tells us to wake him up, he asks for more time. One time, he said to wake him up at 5ish. I said that means he wants to wake up at 7, and he actually did wake up at 7. My brother gave up naps when he was 5. I gave up naps when I was 4. My sister, Aurella gave up naps when she was 2. When my sister was little, she refused to go to sleep. She would follow my Mom around at night until she finally got tired and took herself to bed in my Mom and Dad's bed. At that time, I slept really well  as soon as my head hit the pillow I fell asleep. When Aurella started going to sleep when she was supposed to and falling asleep easier, I started not being able to sleep well and not being able to fall asleep easily. I wish I could go back to when I could fall asleep easier.

Mom - I have never been a good sleeper. However, even when I was a kid my parents never had to worry about me wandering the halls at night or anything. The worst I would do was try to read a little at night when I was supposed to be sleeping. Mostly, I would just lie in bed at night and think about things or make up stories in my head. Now, that I am older it's not always so much that I can't sleep, but that I always have so much to do, and I can function on about six of hours of sleep a night. My husband is generally a good sleeper except for a period of time when he was having trouble swallowing, and he could hardly sleep at all. Our kids are sometimes good sleepers and sometimes not. My stepson slept well when he was little. When he was older, he would wander around the halls at night and he would start playing on the computer or something when he was supposed to be sleeping. When Melia was first born, she would only sleep when someone was holding her. When she was a few months old, she went through a brief period of time when she slept very well. Then, for a long time she was not a good sleeper again. She kept conning my husband into bringing her into our room by promising she would sleep there. She didn't,  and we always ended up having to bring her back to her own room. When her sister was a baby, Melia started sleeping well  which was surprising because they shared a room and her sister was not a good sleeper. The last few years, Melia has not been sleeping well again. Maybe, it is that typical teen thing kicking in because she does not sleep well at night, but she sleeps fine during the day when we have no place to go. She can easily sleep until 12  or 1 in the afternoon if you let her. Aurella slept really well when she was a tiny baby sleeping in a bassinet in our room. As soon as she moved out of the bassinet, she became a terrible sleeper. Around the time that she started, school she started sleeping well again. At least, she would go to sleep quickly and easily as long as we got her to bed before she got overtired. However, if she woke up in the night she would get scared and crawl in with my husband and I. Now, she still comes in sometimes but not as much. She always comes in the morning when we are sleeping to play or watch TV because she does not like to be alone when she is awake, Anyway, my experience with my children and their sleeping habits has taught me one thing, children and sleeping is just like horses and water. You can lead a child to bed, but you can't make them sleep.

And that's our view. What kind of sleeper are you?

Tune in tomorrow for Tips for Tuesday.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Funny Friday - All About David Cone

Me - My Mom's favorite baseball player of all time is David Cone. Before he retired as a player, he was hurt and was on the disabled list. My brother was little at the time. He told my Mom he wanted to send David Cone money. My mother told him that was nice of him but even though David was hurt he was still getting paid. My brother didn't care. He still insisted "I think we should send David Cone money."

Mom - Mommy : David Cone is retired. He doesn't play baseball anymore.
            Melia (Age 2) - David Cone is tired of playing baseball?

We welcome you to share your funny stories with us.  Tune in Monday for another Talking Topics.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Roald Dahl

Me - Roald Dahl, wow! Roald Dahl is my favorite author. I read a lot of books, but I'm sure there's others I haven't heard of. One of my all-time favorite Roald Dahl books is Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I have also seen the original movie Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. It was good. I like the oompa loompas. Also, I like the song Pure Imagination. I have also read the book Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator. I liked it even better than Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I like the vicious knids. They're funny. If I had been alive when Charlie and the Chocolate Factory came out, I would have made a good Veruca Salt. I am really good at doing the voice. I have seen the movie Mathilda, but I didn't like it because I was scared. I would like to read the book because books are usually better well at least according to me. I also read The Fantastic Mr. Fox, The BFG, The Magic Finger, James and the Giant Peach, Esio Trot, and George's Marvelous Medicine. I probably read more that I don't remember, and there is more that I want to read. I would especially like to read Mathilda and The Witches. As I said, Roald Dahl is my favorite author, and I hope to read all of his books someday.

Mom - I love the book Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, but I never read Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator. I also love the movie Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. I remember going to see it with my Dad when I was little, and I have enjoyed it with my kids at home now that I am grown. I love the music. I love the Oompa Loompa song and the song Pure Imagination. I loved when they sang Pure Imagination on Glee during season 2. I have also seen the newer movie that is actually called Charlie and Chocolate Factory and stars Johnny Depp. I enjoyed that one too, but I like the original better. My daughter reads a lot of Roald Dahl books. I only read Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I did see the movies Mathilda and The Fantastic Mr. Fox though. I really liked Mathilda, but the Fantastic Mr. Fox was just okay. There is now a stage musical version of Mathilda. I can't imagine how they do that but I would love to see it. Allegedly, there is a stage version of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory too. I have never seen it, but a local theater group did it once. I would have liked to see it though because I really love Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

And that's our view. What is your favorite Roald Dahl book or movie based on one of his books?

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Where-To-Go Wednesday - Madame Tussauds Wax Museum

What: Madame Tussauds Wax Museum

Where: Various Locations Around the World and in the U.S. including:
             London, Amsterdam, Vienna, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Sydney
             New York, Hollywood, Washington DC,  Las Vegas

Age: Everyone (All ages are admitted but I would not recommend it for small children especially those that are easily frightened.)

Our view: If you like to see life-size replicas of famous people this is the place for you. Madame Tussauds is the gold standard of wax museums. Of course, the most famous one is the one in London. However, speaking from personal experience the one in New York, which is located at 243 West 42st between 7 and 8th Avenues, New York, New York is nice too. It is in a really great location too in the heart of the theater district right in Times Square not far from the Port Authority Bus Terminal and easily accessible by subway as well. Older children will get a kick out of seeing famous people close up even if only in wax. It will also be fun for them to try to determine which figures actually look like the person they are supposed to be and which do not. Younger children may be frightened by the realistic looking figures. I would not take my seven year old who scares easily there. The museum in New York is open from 10:00 to 8:00 Monday through Thursday and 10:00 to 10:00 on Friday and Saturday. Occasionally the hours change for special events so check before you go. Tickets cost $36.00 for ages 13 and up, $29.00 for 4 - 12, under 4 is free. If you buy your tickets on-line and/or come with 15 or more people, you get a discount.

And that's our view. For more information go to http:

Tune in tomorrow for another Talking Topic.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Tips for Tuesday - Web-Sites: & AMC Theater Insiders

Me - Today I am recommending, has lots of games and TV shows. Take Victorious, for example, you can play games from Victorious, you can watch full epsiodes of Victorious, you can watch clips of different thing, such as, interviews with the cast, you can watch clips of episodes, and you can do meet the cast where you press the characters and it describes them. There more things you can do if you go to

Mom - Today I am recommending, AMC Theater insiders at As of yet, they do not provide any points or rewards, but if you want to give your opinion about movies and the movie going experience this is the place to do it.

And that's our view. Tune in tomorrow for Where-To-Go Wednesday.

Monday, October 15, 2012


Me - I like the fall. I like when the leaves change colors. They are pretty and colorful. I like Halloween. I like to dress up in a costume. I am going to be Dorothy this year. My favorite costume I ever had was a butterfly. I wore that when I was a baby. I was almost two months old.  I like to get candy. My favorite candy is almost any kind of chocolate. My Mom doesn't let us keep that much candy though. We trade it  in and get money and then I can get a toy or a book or a DVD or a CD or something. We don't really make that much money selling the candy, but my Mom and Dad double it so I can get something with my money. I don't like that summer ends though, and I don't like going back to school. *

*The above is a guest post by little sister, Aurella as dictated to Mom.

Mom -  I like when it gets cooler in the fall, but not too cool. I don't like when we have Indian summer and it stays really hot. I also don't like when it get really cold too fast. I like when the leaves change colors. However, I don't like when the leaves are all over the lawn and the streets and keep getting tracked into the house. I like Halloween because I love seeing all the kids in their costumes especially my own kids. I don't like taking them trick or treating that much though because it is usually too hot or too cold. I also don't like having all that candy in the house especially the chocolate because I am a chocoholic. The last few years my kids have only been able to keep a little bit of their candy. The rest they trade in. The candy gets sent to U.S. soldiers, and my kids get a few dollars and get to go out and buy something. It's a win/win for everyone.

And that's our view. What do you like about the fall?

Tune in tomorrow for Tips for Tuesday.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Funny Fridays - Also Know As ...

Me - When Aurella was little she thought the show Hannah Montana was called Hannah Tana. She also called Kristi Yamaguchi "Kristi Guchi"

Mom - When Melia  was little she called Baby Bop from Barney "Bop Bop." She also called Clifford "Coochie" and Emily Elizabeth "Emily Ebisaleth".  When Aurella was little she called Baby Bop from Barney "Bop".

We welcome you to share your funny stories with us. Tune in Monday for another Talking Topic.

Thursday, October 11, 2012


Me - Magic, wow! My new favorite show in the whole world is Sabrina The Teenage Witch. It is the best show ever. I like it even better than I like Full House. I bet you never thought you'd see me type that. Sabrina has magic because she is a witch. So do Aunt Hilda and Aunt Zelda. Salem, the cat, used to have magic until he was turned into a cat because he tried to take over the world. I know like 4 different songs called Magic including one from the show and the movie Xanadu. I used to watch the Wizards of Waverly Place until it ended. Now, I sometimes watch the reruns. It ended a week or two before my birthday. I also like reading books about magic. I read some Sabrina The Teenage Witch Books and some Wizards of Waverly Place books. I read The Grimm Legacy. That is my favorite book other than the Sabrina's. I read Half Magic. I read Witch Baby and Me and Witch Baby and Me After Dark. In those books, the baby is always turning herself into things. Her dog is called waywoof because she can't say werewolf. The dog is invisible. Only the baby, her sister, and her sister's friend can see the things that witch baby does. I also saw the show Wicked. It was okay. I would have liked it better if I saw it when Idina Menzel was still in it because I am a big fan of hers. I love magic!

Mom - Over all, I am not into science fiction, but I sometimes do enjoy movie, books, TV shows or even Broadway shows involving magic. I loved the Harry Potter books and movies. My husband originally got the first few books to see if they were good for my stepson to read. My husband got hooked and he got me hooked. My stepson didn't actually care about the books himself until years later. The Harry Potter movies are actually very meaningful to our lives because we went to the first one shortly before our oldest daughter was born, and by the time we saw the last one one she was almost ten, and we had another daughter who was almost 6. Also, we went to see every one of the movies with my college roommate.I also enjoyed the movies Ella Enchanted, Hocus Pocus and Practical Magic among others as well as the book and the movie Bedknobs and Broomsticks. My husband and I also enjoyed the Half Magic books by Edward Eager when we were young. As for TV, lately my daughter has been very into reruns of the show Sabrina The Teenage Witch. She also loves the Disney show The Wizards of Waverly Place which ended its run on the Disney Channel last year, but also still appears in reruns. When I was younger, I liked watching the TV shows; Bewitched, I Dream of Jeannie, and Nanny and the Professor. One of the earliest Broadway shows I ever saw was The Magic Show which although it starred magician Doug Henning was more than just magic. It actually  had a storyline and songs although most of the songs were not very memorable. I also enjoyed Wicked and Merlin. The latter also starred Doug Henning as well as a young Christian Slater. It didn't last very long on Broadway, but I enjoyed it. Of course, one of the best loved stories involving magic is Mary Poppins. Mary Poppins has been a book series, a movie and a Broadway show, and my family and I have enjoyed all of them.

And that's our view. Do you like magic?

Tune in tomorrow for Funny Friday.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Where-To-Go Wednesday - The Monmouth Museum

What : Monmouth Museum

Where: Brookdale Community College
             765 Newman Springs Road
             Lincroft, New Jersey

Who: Everyone

Our view: The Monmouth Museum has a number of different sections for different ages. For adults, there is the Main Gallery where they have different exhibits at different times, and they also have lectures. We have never really been to an exhibit here. For older children, they have the Becker Children's Wing which also has different exihibits at different times. The ones we have seen have not been particularly impressive although we have not been there in a while. It is not very big either and the exhibits are not very time consuming and can probably be seen and/or explored completely in an hour or so if that much.  However, the highlight of the museum is the Wonder Wing. The Wonder Wing is a permanent hands on exhibit specificially for children 6 and under. It is all about the sea and sea creatures. There are boats and a pirate house to play in. A tree house to climb. A lighthouse slide to play on. Those are just some of the things to do at the Wonder Wing. It is a great place to play and kids love it. We spent many rainy afternoons and sometimes not so rainy afternoons playing here. The museum is open Tuesday to Saturday 10:00 to 5:00 and Sunday 12:00 to 5:00 and also from 5:00 to 9:00 on Fridays. However, the downside is that the Becker Children's Wing and the Wonder Wing are often closed to the public for private school groups and/or birthday parties so call before you go. Prices are reasonable at $7.00 a person and free for children 2 and under and for Brookdale staff and students with valid I.D. Basic museum memberships are available for $75.00 a year for two adults and two children in the same household and include two guest passes.

And that's our view for more information go to Tune in tomorrow for another Talking Topic.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Tips for Tuesday - Misc.: Teen Nick & International Figure Skating Magazine

Me - Today I am recommending Teen Nick one of my favorite channels. It has a bunch of different Nickolodeon shows plus more. Two of my favorite shows on Teen Nick are The Amanda Show and Zoey 101.

Mom - Today I am recommending International Figure Skating Magazine. If you like Figure Skating, this is the magazine for you. It includes pictures, interviews with past and current skaters, a preview of upcoming competitions and a review of competitions that have already taken place, as well as listings of upcoming competitions and exhibitions to be televised including time, date and channel and those are only some of the features of the magazine.

And that's our view. Tune in tomorrow for Where-To-Go-Wednesday

Monday, October 8, 2012

Pitch Perfect

Me - Pitch Perfect, wow! Pitch Perfect is a baseball movie, right? Wrong! Pitch Perfect is about the Barden Belles. They are an acapella singing  group at a college called Barden. Anna Kendrick stars in it as Becca. It was not my favorite, but it was dramatic and heartfelt. The music was perfect. It was awesome. It was so amazing I can hardly describe it. Normally, when we see a movie even if we really like the music, we don't get the soundtrack. However, with this movie, Mom and I both agreed we need to get the soundtrack. That's how cool the music was. The music wads definitely my favorite part of the movie. There also was a romance between Becca and a boy from their enemy acapella group. I also like how they added aca to a lot of words in the movie, such, as aca awesome. Pitch Perfect was a really good movie, and you should see it before it closes.

Mom - Pitch Perfect is a really enjoyable movie about an acapella singing group called the Barden Belles. There are a lot of things about the movie that they are cliched, such as, the Belles being the perpectual underdogs and the main character Becca's toughness and fear of letting anybody get close to her because of her parents divorce..There are certain things about the movie that do not ring true. I mean, four different acapella groups in one college? Would that really ever happen?  However, there is still a lot that is good about the movie, and it is still an enjoyable movie. I like the way the characters grow throughout the course of the movie particularly the character of Becca and the character of Aubrey, the leader of the Belles. Aubrey seems to be the stereotypical bitchy bossy character, but in the end she turns out not to be. She is able to learn and grow as a character too. I also love the character of Fat Amy played by Rebel Wilson. I have never heard of Wilson before this year, but I have now seen her two movies, and she was hysterically funny in both. I hope to see her in many more movies. Of course, the most important thing about the movie is the music. Since the music is all singing with no instruments to back them up and/or hide any false notes, the singing voices are all important. They don't disappoint. The songs in the movie are great from start to finish. I even liked the songs that they considered old and out of date in the movie because they all sounded so good. Watching Pitch Perfect makes me want to go out and sing myself or at least I can't wait to buy the soundtrack.

And that's our view. What is your favorite musical movie?

Tune in tomorrow for Tips for Tuesday.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Funny Fridays - I Share But Not With Everybody

Me -

My Mom and Dad were always telling my brother when he was little that the Devils were our hockey team. So when they took him to his first game, he asked my mother why there were so many people there. When my mother explained that they didn't own the arena and anybody who paid for a ticket could come to the game, my brother said "But they're our team!"

Mom -

When Melia was little she told me that she shared our cat with her Caillou doll when I asked her if she shared our cat with Mommy and Daddy too, she said "No, just Caillou."

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Zoo America

Me - Zoo America, wow!  I went to Zoo America when I went to Hershey Park. I took lots of pictures. We saw a bunch of different snakes. They had a lot tortoises. They had two alligators. At first, I only saw one half above the water. Then, I realized there was another one under the water. At one point, the one that was under the water starting walking toward where I was standing. Even though it was closed in away from me, it was scary because it had it's mouth open and had sharp teeth and sharp claws. Then, it went back underwater. There were also roadrunners. They looked much different than the one in the Loony Tunes cartoon. There was also an albino alligator. That one was just lying in the water. There was also a wolf. It impressed my Dad a lot. I got a really nice picture of it. There was also a brown bear and a black bear. Zoo America was really fun, and I hope to go there again sometime.

Mom - Zoo America is a Zoo that is attached to Hershey Park. A ticket to Hershey Park will get you admitted to Zoo America, but a ticket to Zoo America will not get you admitted to Hershey Park. It is a very small zoo which only has animals that are native to North America. There we saw a bunch of reptiles and birds. We saw a beautiful gray wolf. We saw two cute bobcats sleeping together. We saw a big black bear. We saw a Lynx. We saw a bunch of deer. That wasn't particularly exciting as we see deer around our town all the time, and there is a zoo we go to in the town my parents live in that has a whole bunch of deer. We saw one very angry moutain lion. I wish I had videotape of that because just talking about it or writing about it can't even get across how loud and angry this animal was. I can understand why a person wouldn't want to encounter one when hiking in the mountains. It made me not even want to go near the mountains (or anywhere else for that matter) where there is a possibility of running into a moutain lion. There were other animals too, but some of them were hiding. It was a hot day though so I don't blame them.

And that is our view. What is your favorite zoo?